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How To Order


How to Specify and Order the Correct Valves

  This catalog has been published to assist you in choosing the correct valve for a vast number of piping conditions. The Aloyco product line makes available to you a very broad choice of valves. These valves are described in this catalog.
  Care should be taken to select the most suitable valves for your service(s). Exact specification of each valve should be made to avoid possible ambiguity. When requesting quotations and/or ordering the product a fully adequate description should be made.

Selecting the Valve Size

  Nominal size of the pipeline into which the valve will be placed must be determined.

Valve Material

  The following facts should be considered in determining the correct valve material:

  • 将要流经的流体介质
    the medium or media which will be controlled
  • 管道流体介质的温度范围
    the temperature range of the line medium (media)
  • 相关阀门的压力范围
    the pressure range to which the valve will be subjected
  • 可能影响阀门的气候条件
    possible atmospheric conditions which may affect the valve
  • 相关阀门的可能出现的异常应力
    possible extraordinary stresses to which the valve will be subjected
  • 所要符合的安全标准和/或管道规程
    safety standards and/or piping codes which must be met

Type of Valve

  What is the control function of the valve? Each valve configuration has been developed to perform certain control functions. Do not expect one type of valve to perform all the valving jobs in a system.

压力 - 温度等级
Pressure-Temperature Ratings

  Please pay careful attention that the pressure-temperature ratings of a particular valve are in keeping with the requirements of the service. Pay especially careful attention to the packing and gasket materials as this may limit the rating as is the case with PTFE used as the standard in Aloyco valves. Specify alternative packing and/or gasket materials as necessary to meet or exceed your service requirements.


Valve and Connections

  Considerations as to pipeline integrity, future maintenance, corrosion factors, field assembly, weight and safety should be given in determining the method of connecting the valve in the pipeline.

Method of Operation

  The means by which the valve is operated as supplied are shown for the valves in this catalog. Many optional operating devices are regularly supplied by Aloyco.

Ordering the Valve

  Please state the following information when ordering a valve in order to avoid unnecessary delays and to insure we supply you with the valve you have requested.

  1. 阀门通径
    Valve size
  2. 压力材料:铸件和部件的金属性能
    Pressure boundary material - metallurgy of the castings and components.
  3. 阀门的类型:闸阀,截止阀,止回阀,等等
    Type of valve - gate, globe, check, etc.
  4. 连接方式,如果是焊接端口和任何法兰面或表面,则包括连接管道的壁厚。
    End connection including wall thickness of connecting pipe if weld end and any special flange facings or finishes
  5. 任何非标准的材料:填料,垫圈,螺栓,等等
    Any material deviations from standard - packing, gasket, bolting, etc.
  6. 任何附件:酸外壳,锁定装置,链条操作,等等
    Any accessories - acid shield, locking devices, chain operation, etc.
  7. 手动或电动执行机构,请包括要求的细节
    Manual or power actuators, please include details of requirements.
  8. 为了便于订购,请指定规格型号
    For convenience in ordering, specify by figure number.

  Contact Aloyco for additional assistance in valve selection.

  Due to our policy of continuous product improvement, Aloyco reserves the right to change designs, materials, or specifications without notice.
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