Quality is designed into the Series 42 (wafer)
and 44 (lug) butterfly valves, utilizing the phenolic-backed cartridge
seat pioneered by Crane. These valves feature precisionmachined parts
insuring years of dependable operation. With many body/trim combinations,
there is a Series 42 or 44 valve to meet your application.
阀杆结构:非常适用于连接操作手柄和执行机构。(双“D”,通径:DN50 - DN600)
(1) Stem Configuration: Gives positive attachment
for handles or actuators. (Double “D”, 2" - 24")
(2) 轴保护密封:(在某些型号上,轴保护密封位于衬套下方。)
(2) Shaft Weather Seal: (Below bushing on some models.)
(3) 执行机构法兰:适用于各种类型的执行机构:手柄,齿轮操作机构,电动执行机构和气动执行机构。(通径DN50~DN600均符合ISO
(3) Actuator Flange: Accommodates all types of
actuators: handles, gear operators, electric actuators, and pneumatic
actuators. (2" - 24" per ISO 5211)
(4) 一体化贯穿轴:确保阀门的强度、可靠性合阀板的精确定位。
(4) One-Piece Thru Shaft: Ensures dependability
and positive disc positioning.
(5) 衬套(4):轴衬套有利于减少扭矩,将轴与阀体隔离,防止由于轴颈腐蚀而造成轴旋转困难。
(5) Bushings (4): Stem bushing reduces torque
and isolates the stem from the valve body, preventing seizure of the stem
due to corrosion in the stem journal.
(6) O-环:有助于防止轴泄漏。
(6) O-Ring: Helps prevent stem leakage.
(7) 阀座表面:不需要使用阀兰垫圈。
(7) Seat Face: Negates need for flange gaskets.
(8) 光滑表面的阀板:这些阀板上的“配套”使得密封非常有效,防止泄漏到轴区域内。
(8) Smooth Finished Disc Flats: These “mate” with
seat flats to give a highly efficient seal; prevents leakage into shaft
(9) 精密准确的锥形销钉:增强防震保护,强化轴与蝶板的结合。可在现场更换。
(9) Precision Taper Pin: Ensure positive, vibration
proof, shaft to disc connection. Field replaceable.
(10) 精密准确的蝶板轮廓:防止“泡紧”关闭困难,确保最大程度见效扭矩,延长阀座寿命。
(10) Precision Profile Disc: Provides bubble-tight
shut-off and assures minimum torque and longer seat life.
(11) 酚醛背衬阀座:不可拆解,抗拉伸,抗撞击。现场可更换。
(11) Phenolic Backed Seat: Non-collapsible, stretch
resistant, blow out proof, field replaceable.
(12) 支撑性轴密封:弹性材料与酚醛背衬环的紧密结合体,有效防止由于扭曲变形导致的轴泄漏。
(12) Supported Shaft Seal: Bonding of elastomer
to phenolic backing ring protects against distortion, a common cause of
shaft leakage.