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首页Home美国克雷恩蝶阀 Crane Butterfly Valves>正文Text
Crane 42/44 Butterfly Valves

Seat Temperature Ratings
材料 Material 温度范围(oC)Temperature Ratings oF
丁纳橡胶-N Buna-N -12至82 +10 to 180
耐磨丁纳橡胶-N Abrasive Resistant Buna-N -12至82 +10 to 180
氯丁橡胶 Neoprene +7至93 +20 to 200
三元乙丙橡胶(DN50~DN400)EPDM (2" - 16") -34至135 -30 to 275
三元乙丙橡胶(DN450以上)EPDM (18" & Above) -34至107 -30 to 225
三元乙丙橡胶,食品级(DN50~DN300)EPDM, Food Grade (2" - 12") -34至107 -30 to 225
海帕伦 Hypalon -18至107 0 to 275
氟化橡胶 Viton -12至107 +10 to 275
高温氟化橡胶 High Temp. Viton -12至204 +10 to 400
丁纳橡胶-N上覆聚四氟乙烯 (125 psi, DN50~DN300)PTFE over Buna-N (125 psi, 2" - 12") +4至121 +40 to 250
丁纳橡胶-N上覆聚四氟乙烯 (75 psi, DN50~DN300)PTFE over Buna-N (75 psi, 2" - 12") +4至107 +40 to 275

  Although elastomers have an effective operating temperature range, when used in valves, these ranges may have to be modified. The temperature ranges shown in the table have been adjusted accordingly.

  For Low Temperature: While the seat materials selected for use in Crane butterfly valves are capable of withstanding lower temperatures without damage, the durometer of the elastomer is changed. This “hardening” of the seat may increase the operating torque beyond the structural limits of the stem and/or the disc to stem configuration.

  For High Temperature: When using High Temperature Viton, the operating pressure of the valve is reduced above 275°F.

CV值 - 阀门通径系数(美制加仑/分钟@1△P) DN50~DN1200
CV Values – Valve Sizing Coefficients (US-GPM @ 1△P) 2" to 48"
通径 Size 10o 20o 30o 40o 50o 60o 70o 80o 90o
DN50 (2") 0.06 3 7 15 27 44 70 105 115
DN65 (2 1/2") 0.10 6 12 25 45 75 119 178 196
DN80 (3") 0.20 9 18 39 70 116 183 275 302
DN100 (4") 0.30 17 36 78 139 230 364 546 600
DN125 (5") 0.50 29 61 133 237 392 620 930 1022
DN150 (6") 0.80 45 95 205 366 605 958 1437 1579
DN200 (8") 2 89 188 408 727 1202 1903 2854 3136
DN250 (10") 3 151 320 694 1237 2047 3240 4859 5340
DN300 (12") 4 234 495 1072 1911 3162 5005 7507 8250
DN350 (14") 6 338 715 1549 2761 4568 7230 10844 11917
DN400 (16") 8 464 983 2130 3797 6282 9942 14913 16388
DN450 (18") 11 615 1302 2822 5028 8320 13168 19752 21705
DN500 (20") 14 791 1647 3628 6465 10698 16931 25396 27908
DN600 (24") 22 1222 2587 5605 9989 16528 26157 39236 43116
DN700 (28") 36 1813 3639 6636 10000 14949 22769 34898 49500
DN750 (30") 37 2080 4406 9546 17010 28147 44545 66818 73426
DN800 (32") 45 2387 4791 8736 13788 20613 31395 48117 38250
DN900 (36") 260 3050 6730 12740 20220 32500 52500 79600 87500
DN1000 (40") 84 4183 8395 15307 24159 36166 55084 84425 119750
DN1050 (42") 350 4095 9040 17108 27150 43640 70500 106890 117500
DN1200 (48") 455 5365 11840 22400 30600 51200 92300 140000 154000
Typical Applications
· 暖通空调 HVAC · 化工/石化加工 Chemical/ Petrochemical Processing · 食品和饮料 Food and Beverage
· 电厂和市政设施 Power and Utilities · 纸浆和造纸 Pulp and Paper
首页Home美国克雷恩蝶阀 Crane Butterfly Valves>正文Text