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  美国克雷恩52/54, 62/64系列蝶阀(2)
Crane 52/54, 62/64 Butterfly Valves

· 公称通径:DN50~DN600
· Available in sizes 2" to 24".
· 额定压力:当温度为37.7oC时,压力为285 psi。37.7oC以上的额定压力/温度符合美国国家标准化组织ANSI B16.5规定的150磅级钢法兰标准。
· Pressure Rating: 285 psi at 100°F. Pressure/Temperature
rating above 100°F corresponds to ANSI B16.5 Class 150 for steel flanges.

· 平板型(系列52和62)和吊耳型(系列54和64)阀体。
· Available in Wafer (52 and 62) or Lug (54 and 64) style body.
· 平板阀体配置四个校对孔。
· Wafer body features four alignment holes.
· 适用于打开关闭或节流等用途。
· Ideal for on-off or throttling services.
· 备有符合美国国家标准化组织ANSI标准300磅级吊耳蝶阀阀体螺栓孔(公称通径DN50~DN300)。
· Available in Wafer (52 and 62) or Lug (54 and 64) style body.
· 备有适用于手柄操作的公称通径DN50~DN150的蝶阀,适用于齿轮操作机构、电动或气动执行机构的公称通径DN50~DN600的蝶阀。
· Available with handles (2" to 6"), manual gear operators , and electric or pneumatic actuators (2" to 24").

· 请参阅美国克雷恩有关执行机构的资料,了解气动和电动执行机构的详细资料。
· Refer to Crane actuator bulletin for details of pneumatic and electric actuators.
· 符合美国国家标准化组织标准ANSI B16.1条款125磅级(铁)和ANSI B16.5条款/150磅级(钢)法兰或备选300磅级(钢)吊耳蝶阀。
· Compatible with ANSI B16.1 Class 125 (Iron) and ANSI B16.5 Class 150 (Steel) flanges or optional Class 300 (Steel) Lug only.
· 通径DN50~DN300蝶阀双向堵塞端承受压力可达200 psi,备选通径DN350~DN600蝶阀承受压力可达150 psi。
· Bi-directional dead-end capability to 200 psi (2" to 12") and 150 psi (14" to 24") is available option.
· 关于螺栓资料,请参阅美国克雷恩安装和维护手册。
· For bolting information, consult the Crane Installation and Maintenance Manual.

Valve Seating Torques (In-Lbs.)
Valve Size
标准阀板压差 Standard Disc Differential Pressure
50 PSI 50 PSI 100 PSI 100 PSI 150 PSI 150 PSI 200 PSI 200 PSI 285 PSI 285 PSI
DN50 2" 136 142 148 154 164
DN65 2 1/2" 152 160 168 176 189
DN80 3" 224 229 234 239 247
DN100 4" 380 392 404 416 436
DN125 5" 451 477 503 529 572
DN150 6" 875 946 1016 1087 1206
DN200 8" 1476 1559 1642 1726 1867
DN250 10 " 2451 2613 2775 2937 3213
DN300 12" 3900 4111 4323 4534 4893
DN350 14" 5189 5467 5744 6022 6494
DN400 16" 10985 11569 12154 12738 13732
DN450 18" 13946 14688 15431 16173 17434
DN500 20" 14695 15478 16260 17043 18373
DN600 24" 29738 31321 32903 34486 37176

  All torques shown in these charts were derived from test data using water at 60°F. For torques using dry gases, multiply these numbers by 1.6. For torques involving other media, please consult the factory.

  There is no safety factor included in the numbers shown on these charts. For actuator sizing, Crane recommends that these values be multiplied by 1.2 for single valve applications, or 1.5 for 3-way ("tee") applications.

  For PTFE seats multiply the numbers shown on this chart by 2.0.

  Under certain conditions, hydrodynamic torque can meet or exceed seating and unseating torques. When designing valve systems, hydrodynamic torque must be considered to help assure correct selection for the application.

Seat Temperature Ratings
材料 Material 温度范围(oC)Temperature Ratings oF
丁纳橡胶-N Buna-N -12至82 +10 to 180
三元乙丙橡胶(DN50~DN400)EPDM (2" - 16") -34至135 -30 to 275
三元乙丙橡胶(DN450~DN600)EPDM (18" - 24") -34至107 -30 to 225
耐磨丁纳橡胶-N Abrasive Resistant Buna-N -12至82 +10 to 180
氯丁橡胶 Neoprene +7至93 +20 to 200
海帕伦 Hypalon -18至107 0 to 275
氟化橡胶 Viton -12至107 +10 to 275
高温氟化橡胶 High Temp. Viton -12至204 +10 to 400
丁纳橡胶-N上覆聚四氟乙烯 PTFE over Buna-N +4至107 +40 to 275

  Seat materials are capable of withstanding lower temperatures without damage. However, the elastomer becomes hard and torques increase. Some flow media may further restrict the published temperature limits and/or significantly reduce seat life.

CV值 - 阀门通径系数(美制加仑/分钟@1△P) DN50~DN1200
CV Values – Valve Sizing Coefficients (US-GPM @ 1△P) 2" to 48"
通径 Size 10o 20o 30o 40o 50o 60o 70o 80o 90o
DN50 (2") 0.06 3 7 15 27 44 70 105 115
DN65 (2 1/2") 0.10 6 12 25 45 75 119 178 196
DN80 (3") 0.20 9 18 39 70 116 183 275 302
DN100 (4") 0.30 17 36 78 139 230 364 546 600
DN125 (5") 0.50 29 61 133 237 392 620 930 1022
DN150 (6") 0.80 34 94 153 257 422 706 1154 1320
DN200 (8") 2 56 154 251 422 693 1158 1892 2165
DN250 (10") 3 87 238 385 654 1073 1794 2931 3353
DN300 (12") 4 153 417 681 1145 1879 3142 5132 5827
DN350 (14") 6 183 500 816 1372 2252 3765 6150 7037
DN400 (16") 8 271 740 1208 2031 3333 5573 9104 10416
DN450 (18") 11 318 867 1417 2382 3909 6535 10676 12215
DN500 (20") 14 415 1133 1851 3112 5107 8538 13948 15959
DN600 (24") 22 543 1482 2421 4069 6678 11165 18240 20869
Typical Applications
· 暖通空调 HVAC · 化工/石化加工 Chemical/ Petrochemical Processing · 食品和饮料 Food and Beverage
· 电厂和市政设施 Power and Utilities · 纸浆和造纸 Pulp and Paper
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