psi、通径DN50~DN600和压力285 psi、通径DN50~DN150蝶阀上进行人工操作。对于通径大于DN200的蝶阀,所需要的操作力矩和阀门内部产生的反作用力可能会超过极限。在这种情况下,为了操作安全,建议采用齿轮执行机构。
Handles are available for on/off and throttling
control of Crane resilient seated butterfly valves. These handles can
be used for manual actuation of 2" to 12" valves at 200 psi
and for 2" to 6" valves at 285 psi. For valves larger than 8",
excessive operator effort and extreme handle reaction to internal valve
forces are possible. In these cases, a gear operator is recommended for
safe operation.
特点 Features
The rugged construction of Crane handles makes
them ideally suited for manually actuating smaller valves. The latch plate
permits the valve to be locked in any of the 10 positions on DIT handles
or in any position on IOL handles.
DIT 这种手柄能够机械将阀门锁定在0°至90°之间的十个位置上,每个位置间隔10°。
DIT/IOL 这种手柄能够将阀门锁定在中间位置(如32° ,68°,等等)上,也能够在0°和90°位置上。
DIT Mechanically locks the valve in any of the
10 positions from 0° to 90° in 10° increments
DIT/IOL Can hold the valve in intermediate positions (32°, 68°, etc.)
and can also be locked in 0° and 90° positions. |