Check valves are automatically actuated. They
are opened and sustained in the open position by the force of velocity
pressure, and closed by the force of gravity. Seating load and resultant
tightness is dependent upon back pressure. The disc and associated moving
parts may be in a constant state of movement if the velocity pressure
is not sufficient to hold the valve in a wide open and stable position.
Premature wear and noisy operation or vibration of the moving parts can
be avoided by selecting the size of check valve on the basis of flow conditions.
The minimum velocity required to hold a swing check valve in the wide
open and stable position has been developed by analysis of extensive test
data and is expressed by the formula:
v = 60
The value for v is equal
to flow in feet per second and
is the specific volume of fluid in cubic feet per pound. Sizing swing
check valves on this basis may often result in the use of valves that
are smaller than the pipe in which they are used, necessitating the use
of reducers for installation. The pressure drop will be no greater than
that of the larger valve that is only partially open, and valve life will
be greatly extended. The added bonus, of course, is the lower cost of
the smaller valve.
There is no tendency for the seating surfaces
of swing check valves to gall or score, because the disc meets the flat
seat squarely without rubbing contact upon closing.
Crane cast steel swing check valves can be furnished
with outside lever and adjustable weight when so ordered. With the lever
and weight mounted so that the weight assists the disc in closing, the
valve closes more rapidly when flow stops, thus minimizing reversal of
flow and resultant surge and shock. With the lever and weight mounted
to balance the weight of the disc, the valve becomes more sensitive to
low inlet velocities.
Swing check valves are used to prevent reversal
of flow in horizontal or vertical pipe lines. In vertical lines, or for
any angle from horizontal to vertical, they can be used for upward flow