Tilting Disc Check Valves consist of a cylindrical
housing, with a pivoted circular disc. The pivots are located just above
the center of the disc, and offset from the plane of the body seat. This
design gives a bell-crank action to the disc. The seat is of circular
bevel type and the disc drops in or out of contact without rubbing or
Slamming of check valves is the result of failure
of the valve disc to reach its closed position before the fluid flow reversal.
Tilting disc check valves have to close rapidly since the disc has a shorter
distance to travel and therefore arrives at the seat faster...minimizing
a slam.
Tilting disc check valves are used to prevent
reversal of flow in horizontal or vertical pipe lines. In vertical lines,
or for any angle from horizontal to vertical, they can be used for upward
flow only.
Tilting check valves are automatically actuated.
They are opened by velocity pressure, and closed by gravity. Seating load
and tightness is dependent on back pressure. The disc and moving parts
may constantly move if the velocity pressure is not sufficient to hold
the valve in a wide open and stable position. Premature wear and noisy
operation or vibration of the moving parts can be avoided by selecting
the size of check valve on the basis of flow conditions. The minimum velocity
required to hold a tilting disc check valve wide open and stable can be
determined by the formula:
v = 80 
v值表示流速,单位为英尺/秒; 是流体比容积,单位为立方英尺/磅。通过这种方式确定的止回阀通径,可能会出现所确定的止回阀通径小于管道通径,因此在安装时,可能需要安装减缩管。所产生的压降不能大于那些处于部分开启状态的通径较大的阀门,这样将大大延长阀门的使用寿命。这当然还带来额外的好处,那就是通径更小的阀门,成本也相应更低。
The value for v is equal
to flow in feet per second and
is the specific volume of fluid in cubic feet per pound. Sizing swing
check valves on this basis may often result in the use of valves that
are smaller than the pipe in which they are used, necessitating the use
of reducers for installation. The pressure drop will be no greater than
that of the larger valve that is only partially open, and valve life will
be greatly extended. The added bonus, of course, is the lower cost of
the smaller valve.
Standard body design configurations
The seat, disc and pivot pins are combined into
one subassembly secured to the inlet side of the body with a locking ring
in sizes 3" and smaller. This construction avoids the need for extending
the pivot pins through the valve body.
The seat formed on the end of the inlet body section
by cobalt base alloy hard facing deposit in sizes 4" and larger.
The pivot pins supporting the disc are inserted through capped and gasketed
bearing bosses in the outlet section of the body.