Pressure Loss Information
- 所显示的压降曲线适用于标准扭矩弹簧和水平流向应用的Duo-Chek II止回阀
The curves show pressure drops available with
standard torque springs and the Duo-Chek II in horizontal flow.
- 为了获得最好的性能,Duo-Chek II应该安装在水平流向上,并且销钉垂直向上。对于其它安装方式,请联系工厂。
Duo-Chek II valves should be installed in horizontal
flow with pins vertical for best performance. For other installations,
contact the factory.
- 我们可以对与您们系统行为相关的Duo-Chek II阀门进行评估。
We can evaluate Duo-Chek II valves relative to
your system behavior.
- 如果系统出现剧烈的流体减速,可能需要更高扭矩的弹簧,以实现更快的反应速度,减小水锤现象。请咨询工厂。
Systems with drastic flow decelerations may require
higher torque springs for faster valve response and to reduce water
hammer. Please consult the factory.
- 每个管道系统都有其独特的几何结构,当阀门上游直接通过异径管子短接或扩径管接(15o及以上,包括角度)的流体介质流速超过2.4米/秒,则应该对系统进行评估。如果可行的话,阀门与泵排泄口和管件(异径管子短接或扩径管接)之间的距离最小为5倍管道直径,这有利于最大限度延长阀门的使用寿命。
Each piping system has a unique geometry which
should be evaluated whenever the liquid media velocity exceeds 8 feet/second
(2.4m/sec) through a swage or expansion (15o or greater included
angle) directly upstream of the valve. Where practicable, a minimum
of five (5) pipe diameters distance should be maintained between the
valve and the pump discharge and pipe fittings (swages or expansion)
for maximum service life.