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首页HomeDuo-Chek® II高性能止回阀 Duo-Chek® II High Performance Check Valves>正文Text
Duo-Chek® II

High Performance
Check Valves
Duo-Chek II 专用阀门
Duo-Chek II Specials

Grayloc® Hub End Valves
Butt Weld Valves
UL/FM Valves
  Grayloc连接端口阀门可以与插座连接端口、夹紧类型连接端口配套使用。这些连接端口简化了系统安装程序。请与销售人员联系了解可提供的有关通径和压力等级Grayloc插座连接端口,以及其它类型的插座连接端口,如Spolock, Seaboard Lloyd等等。
  Valves with Grayloc ends may be furnished for use with hub end, clamp-style connections. These end connections simplify installation procedures in systems that utilize them. Please contact your sales office for information regarding sizes and pressure ratings available, and other hub end connections such as Spolock, Seaboard Lloyd, etc.
  Valves with butt weld ends may be furnished for piping systems designed for welded system components to eliminate potential joint leak paths. See Ordering Information for proper figure number designation, so that weld-end preparations match the mating pipe schedules.
    通过UL认证的DN100, DN150, DN200, DN250和DN300型号U12 HMP的Duo-Chek II阀门,适用于压力250 psi的消防系统中。这些阀门也通过FM认证。
  Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. approve and list the 4", 6", 8", 10" and 12" Figure U12 HMP Duo-Chek II Valves for 250 psi service in fire protection systems. Valves are Factory Mutual Research Corporation approved.

Coated Valves

  A variety of coatings may be provided on request to resist corrosion or abrasion. Some of the commonly specified coatings include epoxies, coal tar derivatives and sacrificial zinc primers. Please discuss your requirements with your sales office.

Other Specials

  Duo-Chek II的其他特殊配置包括:
  Other Duo-Chek II specials furnished include:

  • 符合NACE MR-01-75的阀门
    Valves to comply with NACE MR-01-75
  • 经过清洗适用于液态氧气(LOX)应用的阀门
    Valves cleaned for liquid oxygen (LOX) service
  • 适用于食品应用的阀门(奥氏体不锈钢)
    Valves prepared for Food Service (austenitic stainless steel)
  • 通过特殊检测的阀门,包括:X射线照射,磁性粒子,染料渗透,超声波,氯泄漏,等等。
    Special testing for valves, including radiography, magnetic particle, dye penetrant, ultrasonic, helium leak, etc.
Lined Valves
Cryogenic Valves
  如果需要,Duo-Chek II可以配置衬里,用于耐磨损或耐腐蚀应用。衬里包括天然橡胶,氯丁橡胶,聚氨酯,Armorite,氯丁基橡胶和硬橡胶。所有衬里阀门的阀体表面都覆盖特殊的材料,因此不再需要垫圈。铰链和止动销钉孔也有覆盖使其不会接触到管道流体。实心合金阀门推荐用于腐蚀性特强的应用环境。
  Duo-Chek II valves may be furnished with linings, when specified, for abrasion or corrosion resistance. Linings include Natural Rubber, Neoprene, Polyurethane, Armorite, Chlorobutyl and Ebonite. All body surfaces of lined valves are covered with the specified material, eliminating the need for gaskets. Hinge and stop pin holes are encapsulated to seal them against line fluids. Solid alloy valves are recommended for extremely corrosive applications.
    Duo-Chek II阀门可以配置在低气压和低温应用环境(-267oC至-45oC)。通常需要采用特殊结构材料,如低温合金钢,奥氏体不锈钢,氯青铜,或蒙乃尔。
  Duo-Chek II valves may be furnished for subatmospheric to cryogenic temperatures (-50oF through -450oF). Special materials of construction such as low temperature alloy steels, austenitic stainless steel, aluminum bronze or monel are generally required.
首页HomeDuo-Chek® II高性能止回阀 Duo-Chek® II High Performance Check Valves>正文Text