(PVDF) Tru-Bloc球阀
True Union红和天然
KynarTM (PVDF) Tru-Bloc Ball
True Union Red and Natural |
22oC温度下压力为150 psi,非冲击性水,全端口(全流道)
150 psi at 73oF water–non-shock–full
Red Kynar
PVDF, absent of any color pigment, is opaque
to ultraviolet light. So while PVDF is one of the few plastic materials
that is not degraded by UV radiation, exposure of the fluid medium
inside a piping system to direct sunlight can frequently adversely
affect its stability. Therefore, all PVDF piping components, including
valves that Chemtrol produces for general chemical service, contain
an FDA-approved red pigment to mask the penetration of UV rays.
Natural Kynar
PVDF类型I (聚合的乳胶)均聚物是一种著名的没有金属离子和外部有机化合物的材料。在18百万欧水中萃取出的离子只是十亿分之几。而且由于这种树脂不需要进行加工处理或者添加其它外部的添加剂来帮助机械加工或维持其长期稳定性,部件的硬抛光表面将会一直保持完好,所以管道系统将不会释放微粒进入流体介质中。而且,也不会存在容易导致生物生长环境的表面微孔。天然Kynar材料适用于超级高纯度的水和化工应用领域。
PVDF Type I (polymerized in emulsion) homopolymer
is notably free of metallic ions and foreign organic compounds.
Extractable ions by 18-megohm water are in the low parts-per-billion.
And since the resin does not require processing or other external
additives to aid manufacturing or longterm stability, the hard-polish
surface of components will remain intact, so that piping systems
will not release particulate to the fluid medium. Further, there
will be no surface micropores to encourage biological growth. Natural
Kynar systems are intended for ultra high pure water and chemical
- 这种阀门问世30多年来,其阀体长度和管套接连接件上的强力改进顶点螺纹始终没有改变。这使得人们可以用新的阀腔更换肮脏的阀门,新旧管接螺母能够互相配合,不需要改变管道长度。
The laying length of the body and the heavy-duty
modified-acme threads in the union connections to the body have
not changed in the 30-year history of the valve. This permits
fouled valve replacement with a new body cartridge, which will
fit the old union nuts. No change in piping length is required.
- 型号C结构特点,在于阀门两端的TFE阀座,确保阀座后侧周围没有泄漏。在Chemtrol Tru-Bloc关闭阀安装和测试后,连接到满储的储罐的管道开口将不会开始滴漏。
Model-C design features, under the TFE seats
at both ends of the valve, ensure no leakage around the back-side
of the seats. Open piping attached to a filled tank will not start
to drip-leak following installation and test of a Chemtrol Tru-Bloc
shut-off valve.
- 型号C结构,在阀座支架下配置增能器O形环,使得阀门能够根据阀座磨损状况自动进行调整。在工厂组装期间,阀座的封装挤压和阀门测试的调整都是通过机械设备进行操作。一旦安装完毕,手动旋紧的管接螺母就紧压着Chemtrol阀门的密封面。
Model-C design, with an energizer O-ring beneath
the seat-carrier, enables the valve to automatically adjust for seat
wear. Adjustments for envelope squeeze on seats and valve testing are
done by machine during factory assembly. Upon installation, a hand-tightened
union nut serves to compress the face-seal of a Chemtrol valve.
- 全端口(全流道)结构对流体的阻力最小,因此压降也最小。
Full port design produces minimum flow restriction
with the lowest possible pressure-drop.
- 这些阀门都是在没有硅酮成分的环境下制造和组装的。
Valves are manufactured and assembled without
exposure to silicone compounds.
- 特别的黑色手柄能够远距离表示“启闭”和流向。手柄上模铸的箭头表示旋转方向,方便操作人员在90o角度范围内进行操作。由于实际应用中可能需要拆卸手柄,因此D形环阀杆平面表示“启闭”,阀杆顶部的的模铸箭头表示流向。
Distinctive black handle indicates “open/close”
and direction of flow at a distance. And molded-in arrows on top of
the handle dictate rotational direction to personnel for easy operation
within 90° stops. For applications requiring handle removal, the D-ring
stem flats indicate “open/close” and a molded-in arrow on top of the
stem indicates flow direction.
- 参阅Chemtrol阀门执行机构指南,选择电动或气动执行机构及附件,包括用于阀门现场安装或工厂组装的塑料外壳和塑料安装组件。
Refer to the Chemtrol Valve Actuation Guide for
a full selection of electrical and pneumatic actuators with accessories,
including plastic housings and plastic mounting kits for field or factory
assembly to valves.
See page 2 for a list of
Components and Construction Materials. For more insight into
the selection of materials, refer to Materials, page 1.
Actuation Mounting Data and a complete listing of Optional
Accessories for ball valves begins on page 21.
Installation and Maintenance Instructions for these valves appear
on page 8. For specific relationships of pressure
vs. temperature ratings, refer to Engineering Data, page 33.
For Chemtrol Valve Standards, see page 35.
