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The Fine Art of Brazing

  Best results will be obtained by a skilled operator employing the step-by-step brazing technique that follows:
1.   用角切工具将管道切割成所需要的长度,最好是采用直平切口的虎钳锯。这种类型的切割轮专为切割铜管设计,也能够获得满意的效果。切割的管道长度应该准确符合所需长度,确保管道能够完全插入管件杯口直到杯口肩部位置。通过内外铰锉,将遗留在管道切割口的长条和毛刺清除掉。
  The tube should be cut to desired length with a square cut, preferably in a square-end sawing vise. The cutting wheel of the type specifically designed for cutting copper tube will also do a satisfactory job. The tube should be the exact length needed, so that the tube will enter the cup of the fitting all the way to the shoulder of the cup. Remove all slivers and burrs left cutting the tube, by reaming and filing, both inside and outside.

  To make a proper brazing joint, the clearance between the solder cup and the tube should be approximately 0.001" to 0.010" (0.0254mm to 0.254mm). Maintaining a good fit on parts to be brazed insures:
  应用简易 - 公差过大可能会破坏毛细作用,结果是合金无法流遍连接部位,或者从连接部位冲刷出去。
  Ease of Application - Excessively wide tolerances tend to break capillary force; and, as a result the alloy will either fail to flow throughout the joint or may flush out of the joint.
  耐腐蚀性能 - 连接部位的耐腐蚀性能与连接部件之间间隙有直接的关系。
  Corrosion Resistance - There is also a direct relation between the corrosion resistance of a joint and the clearance between members.
  节省 - 要节省地使用铜焊合金,但是,作为必要条件,必须以最少数量应用在恰当的连接部位,使用刚刚能够充满连接部件之间面积的合金量即可。
  Economy - If brazing alloys are to be used economically, they, of necessity, must be applied in the joint proper and in minimum quantities, using merely enough alloy to fill the area between the members.

3.   连接部位表面必须清洁,没有油污、油脂和氧化物。清洗的管道端口长度只需比插入杯口深度略长一些即可。可能可以使用特殊的金属丝刷来清理管道端口,但是使用时要小心,避免过量的金属无法从管道中清除出来。细砂布或金刚砂布也可以使用,但同样要小心。不应该用钢丝绒进行清理,因为细小的钢丝绒长条可能会残留或被油污粘在连接部位。
  The surfaces to be joined must be clean and free from oil, grease and heavy oxides. The end of the tube need be cleaned only for a distance slightly more than it is to enter the cup. Special wire brushes designed to clean tube ends may be used, but they should be carefully used so that an excessive amount of metal will not be removed from the tube. Fine sand cloth or emery cloth may also be used with the same precautions. The cleaning should not be done with steel wool, because of the likelihood of leaving small slivers of the steel or oil in the joint.
4.   管件的杯口也要用清理管道的方法进行清理,也要小心观察清除清理时的残留物。在被污染或没有适当清洗的表面进行铜焊会导致连接不理想。铜焊合金不能流过或粘接在氧化物上;油滑或油脂表面会排斥焊剂,留下裸露的斑点将会被氧化,导致中空和内含杂物。
  The cup of the fitting should be cleaned by methods similar to those used for the tube end, and care should be observed in removing residues of the cleaning medium. Attempting to braze a contaminated or an improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint. Brazing alloys will not flow over or bond to oxides; and oily or greasy surfaces tend to repel fluxes, leaving bare spots which will oxidize, resulting in voids and inclusions.

  Flux should be applied to the tube and solder cup sparingly and in a fairly thin consistency. Avoid flux on areas not cleaned. Particularly avoid getting excess flux into the inside of the tube itself. Flux has three principal functions to perform:

  1. 将氧排斥在外以防止在加热期间金属表面被氧化。
    It prevents the oxidation of the metal surfaces during the heating operation by excluding oxygen.
  2. 吸收和分解在加热期间可能产生的表面残留氧化物。
    It absorbs and dissolves residual oxides that are on the surface and those oxides which may form during the heating operation.
  3. 通过提供融化合金将流过的清洁崭新表面,有助于合金的流动。此外,焊剂还是很好的温度指示器,特别是表示是否使用了焊剂。
    It assists in the flow of the alloy by presenting a clean nascent surface for the melted alloy to flow over. In addition, it is an excellent temperature indicator, especially if an indicating flux is used.
6.   焊剂涂敷后,应该立即进行铜焊组装。如果焊剂涂敷后过长时间没有进行铜焊操作,则焊剂中的水分就会蒸发,而干燥的焊剂很容易变成薄片脱落,而暴露的金属表面在加热时很容易被氧化。将管道插入杯口直到遇到止动为止。组装部件应该有很牢固的支撑,确保在铜焊作业期间能够保持组装部件处于对齐状态。
  Immediately after fluxing, the parts to be brazed should be assembled. If fluxed parts are allowed to stand, the water in the flux will evaporate, and dried flux is liable to flake of exposing the metal surfaces to oxidation from the heat. Assemble the joint by inserting the tube into the cup, hard against the stop. The assembly should be firmly supported so that it will remain in alignment during the brazing operation.
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