The three major forces involved in valve actuation
are thrust, torque and rimpull. Below is a brief description and formula
used to determine each of the three forces for a particular valve application.
See pages 3 through 7 for
reference data to be used with Pacific gate, globe and stop-check valves
to determine thrust, torque and rimpull for a particular application.
These pages also show torque for differential pressures at full and half
maximum cold working pressure for carbon steel valves.
Thrust is the purely linear push-pull force involved
in seating and unseating a valve. It is determined using the following
valve and application criteria:
- – 阀门阀座直径。
– The valve seat diameter.
If the valve seat diameter is not known, the port diameter can be assumed
to be the seat diameter for estimating purposes.
- – 通过阀门阀座的最大压差。
测定阀门阀座的最大压差的最常用方法是将最大设计或工作压力作为上游的压力值P1,然后假定下游压力值P2为0 PSIG.
– The maximum differential pressure across the
valve seat.
The most common method of determining maximum differential pressure
across the valve seats is to assign the maximum design or operating
pressure the upstream value P1 and assume a downstream pressure P2 of
- – 阀门阀杆直径。
–The valve stem diameter.
These criteria are used in the thrust calculation
which is the sum of the following forces. Unit of measure is Ibs. of thrust.
1. |
阀座力 = |
阀门阀座面积 x 最大压差 x 阀门系数 |
Seating Force = |
Valve seat area x Max differential
Pressure x Valve factor |
最大压差 = |
P1- P2 |
Max. differential
Pressure = |
P1- P2 |
阀门系数 = |
0.25 平行阀座
0.3 闸阀
1.1 截止阀 |
factor = |
0.25 Parallel seat
0.3 Gate valve
1.1 Globe valve |
2. |
阀杆负载 = |
阀杆面积 x 最大上游压力 |
Stem Load = |
Valve stem area x Max. upstream pressure |
在此:阀杆面积 = |
Where: Valve
stem area = |
最大上游压力 = |
P1 |
Max upstream
Pressure = |
P1 |
Note that stem load is applicable to gate
valves only as this force is included in the seating force of globe
and stop-check valves. |
3. |
阀杆填料摩擦力 = 阀杆直径 x 2000 适用于石墨。
Stem Packing Friction = Stem diameter x 2000
for graphite. |
* 例子:DN150, 150磅闸阀,阀座直径6英寸, 阀杆直径为11/8英寸,最大压差为100
* Example - 6" 150 Ib. gate valve, seat diameter
6", stem diameter 11/8", maximum differential
pressure 100 PSIG.
1. |
阀座力 = 28.26 x 100 x .3 = 847.8 磅
Seating force = 28.26 x 100 x .3 = 847.8
lbs. |
在此:阀座面积 = |
Where: Seat
area = |
2. |
阀杆负载 = .994 x 100 = 99.4磅
Stem load = .994 x 100 = 99.4 lbs. |
在此:阀杆面积 = |
Where Stem
area = |
3. |
阀杆填料摩擦力 = 1.125 x 1000 = 1125
启闭阀门时阀座上的推力 = 847.8 + 99.4 + 1125 = 2072.2 磅
Stem packing friction = 1.125 x 1000 = 1125
Thrust to seat or unseat = 847.8 + 99.4 + 1125 = 2072.2 Ibs.
Valve running thrust which represents 90% of the
travel of the valve stem can be determined by adding stem load and stem
packing friction. |

Torque is a rotary force. For gate and globe valve
applications which have acme threaded rising stems driven by a drive nut,
torque is conversion of thrust from a purely linear force, utilizing the
mechanical advantage of a screw to achieve linear movement. The stem factor
used to convert thrust to torque is a function of the acme thread characteristics
of the valve stem and drive nut (yokesleeve). Pages AA-3
thru AA-7 contain stem factors for Pacific gate,
globe and stop-check valves. Once seating or unseating thrust has been
calculated, the torque can be obtained by the formula:
扭矩 = 推力 x 阀杆系数
Torque = Thrust x Stem factor
*例子:DN150, 150磅闸阀
推力 = 2072.2
阀杆系数 = 0。0099
扭矩 = 2072.2 x 0.0099 = 20.5英尺·磅
*Example: 6" 150 Ib. Gate valve
Thrust = 2072.2
Stem factor = .0099
Torque = 2072.2 x .0099 = 20.5 ft. Ibs.
Valve running torque can be calculated utilizing
the above formula substituting running thrust for seating thrust.
Rimpull is the force which must be applied to
the rim of the handwheel during operation of the valve. Rimpull is calculated
using torque. The following information is required to calculate handwheel
A. |
Torque required to seat or unseat valve |
B. |
边缘拉力 = |
扭矩 ÷ 手轮半径(以英尺为单位) |
Rimpull = |
Torque ÷ Radius of the handwheel
measured in feet |
在此:手轮半径 = |
Where: The
radius of the handwheel = |
Handwheel Dia. in inches |
2 |
半径(换算成英尺) = |
The radius
is converted to feet = |
*例子:DN150, 150磅闸阀
启闭阀门的扭矩 = 20.5英尺·磅
手轮直径 = 14英寸
边缘拉力 = 20.5 ÷ 0.583 = 35.2 磅
*Example: 6"150 Ib. Gate
Seating or unseating torque = 20.5 ft. Ibs.
Handwheel diameter = 14"
Rimpull = 20.5 ÷ .583 = 35.2 lbs. |
Where: |
= 7 = (Radius in inches) |
0.583 (Radius in feet)
= 35.2 Ibs. |
Running rimpull can be calculated by substituting
running for seating/unseating torque. |