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Butt Weld End Dimensions


  除非特别指定,否则所有美国太平洋阀门的标准焊接端口都符合ANSI B16.25型号2b的标准,其管壁厚度t等于或小于0.88英寸。对于管壁厚度大于0.88英寸的焊接端口,则符合ANSI B16.25型号3b标准。在订购焊接端口阀门时,请在型号的括号内加上“WE”。如果有需要,可根据要求提供特殊的焊接端口细节。
  Unless otherwise specified, all Pacific Valves' standard weld ends are per ANSI B16.25 Figure 2b for pipe wall thickness, t equal to or less than 0.88". For pipe wall thickness, greater than 0.88" weld ends are per ANSI B16.25 Figure 3b. When specifying valves with weld ends, include WE in the figure number and the schedule in parentheses. Special weld end details can be furnished upon request.

For Pipe Wall Thickness, t
Equal To or Less than 0.88".

For Pipe Wall Thickness, t
Greater than 0.88".
A = 阀门外径
B = 管道内径
A = Valve Outside Dia.
B = Inside Dia. of Pipe


SCH 2.5
A = 2.96
A = 3.59
A = 4.62
A = 6.78
A = 8.78
A = 10.94
A = 12.97
B t B t B t B t B t B t B t
40 2.469 0.203 3.068 0.216 4.026 0.237 6.065 0.280 7.981 0.322 10.020 0.365 11.938 0.406
60                 7.813 0.406 9.750 0.500 11.626 0.562
80 2.323 0.276 2.900 0.300 3.826 0.337 5.761 0.432 7.625 0.500 9.562 0.594 11.374 0.688
100                 7.437 0.594 9.312 0.719 11.062 0.844
120         3.624 0.438 5.501 0.562 7.187 0.719 9.062 0.844 10.750 1.000
140                 7.001 0.812 8.750 1.000 10.500 1.125
160 2.125 0.375 2.624 0.438 3.438 0.531 5.187 0.719 6.813 0.906 8.500 1.125 10.126 1.312
STD 2.469 0.203 3.068 0.216 4.026 0.237 6.065 0.280 7.981 0.322 10.020 0.365 12.000 0.375
XS 2.323 0.276 2.900 0.300 3.826 0.337 5.761 0.432 7.625 0.500 9.750 0.500 11.750 0.500
XXS 1.771 0.552 2.300 0.600 3.152 0.674 4.897 0.864 6.875 0.875 8.750 1.000 10.750 1.000
SCH 14
A = 14.25
A = 16.25
A = 18.28
A = 20.31
A = 24.38
A = 30.38
A = 36.50
B t B t B t B t B t B t B t
10                     29.376 0.312 35.376 0.312
20             19.250 0.375 23.250 0.375 29.000 0.500 35.000 0.500
30 13.250 0.375 15.250 0.375     19.000 0.500 22.875 0.562 28.750 0.625 34.750 0.625
40 13.124 0.438 15.000 0.500 16.876 0.562 18.812 0.594 22.624 0.688     34.500 0.750
60 12.812 0.594 14.688 0.656 16.500 0.750 18.376 0.812 22.062 0.969        
80 12.500 0.750 14.312 0.844 16.124 0.938 17.938 1.031 21.562 1.219        
100 12.124 0.938 13.938 1.031 15.688 1.156 17.438 1.281 20.938 1.531        
120 11.812 1.094 13.562 1.219 15.250 1.375 17.000 1.500 20.376 1.812        
140 11.500 1.250 13.124 1.438 14.876 1.562 16.500 1.750 19.876 2.062        
160 11.188 1.406 12.812 1.594 14.438 1.781 16.062 1.969 19.312 2.344        
STD 13.250 0.375 15.250 0.375 17.250 0.375 19.250 0.375 23.250 0.375        
XS 13.000 0.500 15.000 0.500 17.000 0.500 19.000 0.500 23.000 0.500 29.000 0.500 35.000 0.500
Tolerance on A & B Diameters by Valve Nominal Pipe Size
  2.5 - 4 6 - 10 12 - 18 20 - 36
A +0.09/-0.03 +0.16/-0.03 +0.16/-0.03 +0.16/-0.03
B +/-0.03 +/-0.03 +/-0.06 +0.12/-0.06
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