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首页Home美国太平洋阀门氢氟酸阀门 Pacific HF Acid Valves>正文Text
HF Acid Valves
API 600高度完全关闭闸阀
API 600 High Integrity Shutoff Gate Valve


  For services that require bubble tight shutoff specify Pacific’s High Integrity Shutoff gate valves. These fire-safe valves provide a bubble tight barrier on both upstream and down stream seats and eliminate possible product contamination or loss of fluids due to valve leakage.
  这种高完全关闭结构保留了美国太平洋标准API 600闸阀经过实践证明的可靠性和低维护性。通过一个护圈板将弹性密封锁在楔形闸板上。安装的特殊阀座环为弹性和金属楔形闸板阀座表面提供宽大的阀座表面。可提供适用于腐蚀性应用和温度高达232oC的完整系列的阀内件材料和外壳材料,连接端口,管道和执行机构备选件。
  The HIS construction retains the proven reliability and low maintenance of Pacific’s standard API-600 gate valve. A resilient seal is locked into the wedge by a retainer plate. Special seat rings are installed to provide a wide seating surface for both the elastomer and metal wedge seating surfaces. A full range of trim and shell materials, end connections, piping and actuator options are available for corrosive services and temperatures up to 450oF.

(1) 实心蒙乃尔楔形闸板
(1) Solid Monel Wedge
(2) 蒙乃尔阀座环
(2) Monel Seat Ring
(3) 聚四氟乙烯弹性密封环
(3) PTFE Resilient Seal Ring
(4) K-蒙乃尔帽螺丝
(4) K-Monel Cap Screws
(5) 蒙乃尔压缩板
(5) Monel Compression Plate


(6) 坚固耐用的结构,全导向实心蒙乃尔楔形闸板,在安装弹性密封之前经过精密机加工和水压测试。
(6) Heavy patterned, fully guided solid monel wedge is precision fitted and hydrostatic tested before resilient seals are installed.
  (7) 可配置聚四氟乙烯压力强化弹性密封,增强通用性。
(7) Pressure-energized resilient seals available in PTFE (BTT) for maximum versatility.
  (8) 机械固定,蒙乃尔密封板,便于迅速、简便的弹性密封更换。
(8) Mechanically retained, monel seal plate allows fast, easy resilient seal replacement.
  (9) 特别超宽蒙乃尔密封环,经得起磨损而不会丧失密封性能。
(9) Special extra width, monel seat ring allows for wear without loss of seal.
首页Home美国太平洋阀门氢氟酸阀门 Pacific HF Acid Valves>正文Text