填料和压盖总成 - 两件式球体和承插类型连接确保校准定位和恰当压缩填料,而不会卡住阀杆。配置的填料材料是Graphoil®。在填料内加进一种金属防锈剂,以增强填料的防腐蚀性能。也可以提供特殊的填料配置,请在订购时咨询工厂。
Packing and Gland Assembly
— Two-piece ball and socket type joints assure alignment and proper compression
of packing without binding stem. Packing furnished is Graphoil®. A
sacrificial metal inhibitor is compounded into the packing to combat corrosion.
Special packing configurations are available. Consult factory when ordering.
测试与检验 - 楔塞阀是按照API 598最新版本的标准进行测试的。也可提供特殊的流体静力测试和非破坏性检验。在订购时请咨询工厂。
Testing and Inspection—Wedgeplug
valves are tested in accordance with API Standard 598, latest revision.
Special hydrostatic testing and non-destructive examinations are available.
Consult factory when ordering.
标记 - 为了识别,下列文字将铸在每个阀门上:名称"Wedgeplug"(楔塞阀),通径(英寸),"Steel"(钢)合金等级,和数字表示压力等级ANSI
Class. 压力铸件标记有铸造厂热处理或熔化编号,及这些热处理或熔化处理的物理和化学特性,都采用永久性标记方式。此外,每个阀门上的不锈钢铭牌显示型号,通径,压力等级,系列号,阀体材料,阀塞和阀杆材料等。
identification, the following is cast on each valve: the name "Wedgeplug,"
size in inches, "Steel" alloy grade, and numerals indicating
ANSI Class. Pressure castings are marked with a foundry heat or melt number,
and the physical and chemical properties of these heats or melts are maintained
in a permanent record. In addition, a stainless steel nameplate on each
valve shows the figure number, size, pressure rating, serial number, and
materials of the body, plug and stem.
轴颈 - 楔塞无润滑旋塞阀具有独特的清洗和冲刷性能。清洗期间,阀塞周围会产生特殊的保护层,阻止管路流体介质进入阀体空穴内,消除所关注的短时排放问题。冲刷保持阀座清洁,降低固体颗粒泄漏的可能性。请参阅图片。
nonlubricated plug valves have unique purging and flushing capabilities.
The purge creates a protective blanket around the plug to prevent entry
of line media into the valve body cavity, eliminating fugitive emissions
concerns. Flushing keeps valve seats clean, preventing leakage possibilties
from particulate matter. See picture.
O-Seal valves
have two PTFE O-rings inserted into dovetail grooves in the plug faces
which give double seating and assure vapor-tight shut-off on both upstream
and downstream seats. Other high temperature seating materials may be
available. Consult factory when ordering.
Handling Solids in Suspension
When handling solids in suspension, Wedgeplug
valves should be installed with the stem vertical. The boss at the bottom
of the valve body is regularly tapped at the factory. This permits easy
installation of a bleed and/or blow connection. If permissible to blow
back into the line, any purging medium such as air, inert gas, steam,
or flushing oil may be introduced through this connection. Then as the
plug valve is lifted off its seats, any accumulation below the plug or
on the seats will be blown back into the line. Conversely, by opening
the bleed, line pressure will blow out any accumulation when the plug
is lifted.
See Bulletin WPV-1 for more information.

Has the ability to purge through the trunnion to
keep both the trunnion and the cavity clean.