Sample Engineering Specification
所有热塑性塑料截止阀的结构材料应该采用PVC类型I, ASTM D 1784分类12454或CPVC类型IV, ASTM D 1784分类23447。所有密封材质应该是EPDM或Viton®。所有PVC和CPVC材质,通径DN65至DN150的阀门在水温23oC条件下的压力等级应该是150
All thermoplastic Globe valves shall be constructed
from PVC Type I, ASTM D 1784 Cell Classification 12454 or CPVC Type IV,
ASTM D 1784 Cell Classification 23447. All seals shall be EPDM or Viton®.
All valves shall have a high impact polypropylene handwheel. All PVC and
CPVC 21/2" through 6" valves shall be
pressure rated to 150 psi for water at 73oF, as manufactured
by Spears® Manufacturing Company.
特点 - PVC, CPVC
Features - PVC, CPVC
Spears® Globe Valves provide close throttling
control throughout the entire range of operation through positive shutoff.
This makes the Globe Valve an excellent choice for throttling applications
where pressure drop is not critical. Valves are available in PVC and CPVC
materials in larger IPS sizes of 21/2" through
6" with Flanged end connections.
- 优异的节流特性
Excellent Throttling Characteristics
- 耐化学品和耐腐蚀PVC或CPVC材料结构 - 没有可能接触到流体介质的金属部件
Chemical & Corrosion Resistant PVC or CPVC
Construction - No Wetted Metal Parts
- 采用工厂组装的内部维修组件能够完全进行在线可维修
Fully Serviceable In-line with Factory Assembled
Internal Repair Kit
- EPDM或Viton®材质阀座和密封
EPDM or Viton® Seat & Seals
- 通径DN65~DN150阀门压力等级为150 psi @ 23oC
Sizes 21/2" - 6"
Pressure Rated to 150 psi @ 73oF
- 适用于真空应用
Suitable for Vacuum Service
- 采用无硅树脂、水溶性润滑剂组装而成
Assembled with Silicone-Free, Water Soluble Lubricants