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首页Home>美国热塑性塑料阀门及附件 Thermoplastic Valves & Accessories>正文Text | 【下一页Next】 |
第129页 Page 129 |
![]() 美国斯毕尔公司 |
内部泄漏 - 通过阀门时的在线泄漏 Internal Leaks - In-line Leakage Past Valve |
可能原因 Possible Cause |
纠正措施 Corrective Action |
球体阻塞 Ball obstruction |
检查阀门是否处于“完全关闭”位置。如果不是,拆卸阀门并检查固体颗粒是否堵塞球阀通道。清洗并重新安装阀门。 |
阀杆断裂 Broken Stem |
拆卸端口连接件并检查球体在阀门操作时是否能够旋转。如果必要进行更换。 Remove end connector and check for ball rotation while operating valve. Replace as necessary. |
密封托架松了 Seal Carrier Loose |
真活接阀门 - 拆卸阀门;小心紧固密封托架(位于阀体进口端口)。 |
Teflon®阀座损坏或积满碎片 Teflon® Seat Damage or Debris Laden |
拆卸阀门阀座。检查碎片是否淤积过多,是否存在物理损坏(刻痕,切割伤,划伤,等等)。如果必要进行清洗和更换。 Remove and disassemble valve seat. Check for excessive debris and physical damage (nicks, cuts, scoring, etc.). Clean and replace as necessary. |
阀座O形环脱落,损坏或 淤积碎片 Seat O-ring Displaced, Damaged or Debris Laden |
拆卸阀门阀座O形环;检查是否存在物理或化学损坏。检查O形环化学兼容性;进行相应的清洗并更换。检查系统流量是否过大。 Remove and disassemble valve seat O-rings; check for physical or chemical damage. Check O-ring chemical compatibility; clean and replace accordingly. Check for excessive system flow rate. |
球体损坏 Ball Damaged |
CPVC)的兼容性。 Remove and disassemble valve ball. Check for physical damage (excessive nicks, scoring, etc.) at seat sealing surface (prependicular to ball port). Clean surface; replace ball if necessary. Check chemical damage and valve material (PVC, CPVC) compatibility. |
安装溢出造成液状粘固剂(胶)污染 Solvent-Cement (glue) Contamination from installation Spillage |
拆卸阀门并检查胶是否淤积在球体或阀座面上,如果可能,进行清洗;如果损坏过分严重,则需要更换部件。 Remove valve and check for glue deposits on ball or seat areas, Clean, if possible; excessive damage may require component replacement. |
热损坏(部件扭曲变形) Thermal Damage (component distortion) |
检查系统工作温度,外部热源(包括直接阳光暴晒),或者系统结构或阀门更换产生的热源。 Check system operating temperatures, external heat sources (including direct sun), and heat generated from system design or valve placement. |
活动部件卡住 - 无法,或很困难开启或关闭;有时伴随着阀杆断裂(剪切断裂) Frozen Movements - unable, or very difficult, to open/close; sometimes accompanied by stem break (shear) |
可能原因 Possible Cause |
纠正措施 Corrective Action |
内部阻塞;沉淀物或颗粒淤积;液状粘固剂附着在球体上 Internal Obstructions; Sediment or Particle Buildup; Solvent Cement on Ball |
拆卸阀门并检查是否存在固体颗粒、碎片或液状粘固剂淤积阻塞球体或阀门内部。检查球体与阀座接触面周围是否存在沉淀物颗粒阻塞现象。拆卸阀杆并检查是否有相同的情况。清洗并重新安装。 |
过紧的密封托架 Over-tight Seal Carrier |
真活接阀门 - 拆卸阀门,将密封托架略微放松(位于阀体进口端口处)。 True-Union Valves - remove valve; slightly loosen seal carrier (located on inlet end of body). 单进入阀门 - 将单活接头螺母略微放松。 Single Entry Valves - slightly loosen single Union Nut. 重要提示:通常只需进行轻微的调节(对任一个阀门)。适当地调节阀门应该使其明显遇到阻力,但操作不会被阻碍。 IMPORTANT: Generally only a slight adjustment is required (either valve). A properly adjusted valve should have significant resistance to operation without binding. |
化学破坏(通常表现为球体密封表面或其他内部部件扭曲变形,脱皮,蚀刻或漂白) Chemical Attack (generally appears as distortion, peeling, etching or bleaching of ball sealing surfaces or other internal components) |
检查阀门材质(PVC, CPVC)与系统流体介质的化学兼容性。在做出决定之前确保考虑到工作温度。 Check valve material (PVC, CPVC) chemical compatibility with system fluids. Be sure to consider operating temperatures with this determination. |
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