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首页Home美国斯毕尔公司执行机构热塑性塑料阀门Spears Actuated Thermoplastic Valves>正文Text
Actuated Thermoplastic Valves

  Full Line of Valve Actuation
  从基本的启闭执行机构,到全功能、特定应用的定制执行机构,美国斯毕尔公司为球阀、蝶阀和隔膜阀提供各种各样的气动和电动执行机构驱动的阀门组件包。美国斯毕尔公司还提供PVC, CPVC和聚丙烯材质的品种丰富的阀门供用户选择。
  From basic on-off actuation to full feature, custom applications, Spears® offers a wide variety of both pneumatic and Electric actuated valve packages for Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves and Diaphragm Valves. Spears® maintains one of the broadest lines of valve options to select from in PVC, CPVC and Polypropylene materials.

  Pre-Matched Valve & Actuator Packages
  Spears® makes actuation easy by matching each valve type and size with the appropriate actuator for proper operating torque and cycle time to assure optimum performance.

  Custom Actuation Configurations
  Spears® Premium Actuation Packages can be fully customized to user specifications by addition of selected control accessories. Select from our wide variety of accessories and options or contact Spears® for virtually any special actuation need, even if not specified.

  工厂组装 - 随时可用于安装
  Factory Assembled - Ready for Installation
  Whether standard or custom configured, actuation packages include valve, actuator mounting coupling and factory assembled precision actuator ready for installation. Spears® uses only the finest materials in interfacing each valve and actuator provide reliable operation and long service life.

  How to Use This Manual
  This manual provides technical information on Spears® actuated valve packages and accessories. Actuation Packages are listed in separate sections by valve type (ball, butterfly, diaphragm) and actuation type (Electric, Pneumatic).
  Each section provides full package information including package description, standard valve specifications and options, package actuator specifications and options, a brief list of available accessories, plus a Sample Engineering Specification and dimensional data for the standard Actuation Package.
  Specifications for actuator Options & Accessories for custom actuation are described in additional sections according to actuator type (Electric or Pneumatic). Each section includes an overview followed by a brief description of each option and accessory.
  The appendices provide additional information on general actuation terminology and definitions, and on Spears® part numbering convention for custom actuation for use at the user's discretion. Part number formulation is not required to order valve packages from Spears®, but is provided for those who wish to select the appropriate part number in preparation of a custom valve package order.

Contact Spears® for any desired accessories, options, functions
or special controls not listed in this guide.

  The information in this manual is believed to be accurate at the time of publication, but is subject to change without notice.

首页Home美国斯毕尔公司执行机构热塑性塑料阀门Spears Actuated Thermoplastic Valves>正文Text