组合柜 — 18-8 S、22-gauge(厚度0.8mm)340不锈钢。全焊接结构。外部表面为缎面(拉丝)表面。
Cabinet — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel. All-welded construction. Exposed surfaces have satin-finish.
法兰 — 18-8 S、22-gauge(厚度0.8mm)340不锈钢,缎面(拉丝)表面。拉制斜面一件式无缝结构。
Flange — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin finish. Drawn and beveled, one-piece, seamless construction.
门 — 18-8 S、22-gauge(厚度0.8mm)340不锈钢,缎面(拉丝)表面。采用全长度不锈钢钢琴式合页铰链固定在组合柜上。配置球形插销。
Door — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin finish. Secured to cabinet with a full-length stainless steel piano-hinge. Equipped with a knob latch.
纸巾输出装置 — 18-8 S、22-gauge(厚度0.8mm)340不锈钢,缎面(拉丝)表面。容量:350张C形折叠纸巾或475张多层折叠纸巾。
Paper Towel Dispenser — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin-finish. Capacity: 350 C-fold or 475 multifold paper towels.
垃圾箱 — 18-8 S、340不锈钢,缎面(拉丝)表面。顶部边缘有镶边使得使用更加安全。配置摩擦止门器。容量:7.6公升。
Waste Receptacle — 18-8 S, type-304, Heavy-gauge stainless steel with satin finish. Top edges are hemmed for safe handling. Friction catch. Capacity: 2-gal. (7.6-L).
Paper towel dispenser will dispense C-fold or multifold paper towels without adjustment. Rounded towel tray has hemmed opening to dispense paper towels without tearing. Waste receptacle is retained in cabinet by a friction catch and is removable for servicing.
要事先准备好一个320mm x 675mm大小的方形墙开口。最浅嵌墙深度要求是102mm。要保留足够的结构间隙以避免所开的墙孔将墙穿透。要与机械工程师协调避免与管道、排气装置和导管产生冲突。如果本产品安装在装饰材料(如瓷砖等)墙壁上,要提供槽型铝材或其他过滤装置,以消除法兰与墙面之间的缝隙。在把本产品安装到墙开口内时,需要在图纸中标注"S"的位置用薄垫片垫在框架和本产品之间,然后再用厂家提供的金属片螺丝将本产品固定住。
Provide framed rough wall opening 12-5/8" wide x 26-5/8" high (320 x 675mm). Minimum recessed depth required to finish face of wall is 4" (102mm). Allow clearance for construction features that may protrude into rough wall opening from opposite wall. Coordinate with mechanical engineer to avoid pipes, vents, and conduits. If unit projects above top of wainscot, provide aluminum channel or other filler to eliminate gap between flange and finish face of wall. Mount unit in wall opening with shims between framing and cabinet at all points indicated by an S, then secure unit with sheet-metal screws furnished by manufacturer.
Recessed paper towel dispenser and waste receptacle shall be type-304 stainless steel with all-welded construction; exposed surfaces shall have satin finish. Flange shall be drawn and beveled, one-piece, seamless construction. Door shall be secured to cabinet with a full-length stainless steel piano-hinge and equipped with a knob latch. Paper towel dispenser shall dispense 350 C-fold or 475 multifold paper towels without adjustment or use of adapters. Removable stainless steel waste receptacle shall be retained in cabinet by a friction catch, have top edges hemmed for safe handling, and shall have a minimum capacity of 2-gal. (7.6-L). Manufacturer's service and parts manual shall be provided to the building owner/manager upon request.
Recessed Paper Towel Dispenser And Waste Receptacle shall be Model B-369 of Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., Clifton Park, New York; Jackson, Tennessee; Los Angeles, California; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Company, Scarborough, Ontario; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Pty. Ltd., Australia; and Bobrick Washroom Equipment Limited, United Kingdom.