Automatic Hand Dryer: 220-240V AC, 7 Amp, 1500-1700 Watts, 50/60 Hz, Single Phase, VDE approved, CE marked.

组合柜 — 18-8 S、重型340不锈钢。全焊接结构。
Cabinet — 18-8 S, type-304, heavy-gauge stainless steel. All-welded construction.
门 — 18-8、厚度1.2mm(18-gauge)340不锈钢。14mm直角回转,更加坚固耐用。采用隐蔽式全长度不锈钢钢琴式合页铰链固定在组合柜上。配置不锈钢旋转门限制器,以及两个与其他美国保必丽卫生间附件类似的带钥匙杠杆锁。
Door — 18-8, type-304, 1.2mm (18-gauge) stainless stee. 14mm (9/16") 90° return for maximum rigidity. Secured to cabinet with a concealed, full-length stainless steel piano-hinge. Equipped with a stainless steel cable door-swing limiter and two tumbler locks keyed like other Bobrick washroom accessories.
纸巾输出装置 — 18-8、厚度0.8mm(22-gauge)340不锈钢。圆形纸巾盒在开口处有镶边,输出纸巾时不会造成纸巾被撕破。容量:450张C形折叠纸巾,或600张多层折叠纸巾,或850张单层纸巾。
Paper Towel Dispenser — 18-8, type-304, 0.8mm (22-gauge) stainless steel. Rounded towel tray has hemmed opening to dispense paper towel without tearing. Capacity: 450 C-fold, 600 multifold, or 850 singlefold paper towels.
垃圾容器 — 防漏坚固耐用的模铸塑料。可拆卸用于维护。容量:12.5公升。
Waste Container — Leak-proof rigid molded plastic. Removable for servicing. Capacity: 12.5 liters (3.3 gal.).
气流导向装置 — 18-8、厚度1.2mm(18-gauge)340不锈钢。
Air Deflector — 18-8, type-304, 1.2mm (18-gauge) stainless steel.
盖子 — 一体式,厚度2.6mm,防火模铸,美国保必丽灰色#889。VDE认证,CE认证。在盖子前端有通用的操作标志。盖子采用三个平头不锈钢螺丝固定在安装基座上。
Cover — One-piece, 2.6mm (3/32") thick, fire-retardant molded, Bobrick grey color #889. VDE approved, CE marked. Universal operating symbols on front of cover. Cover is secured to mounting base with three flat-head stainless screws.
安装基座和鼓风机外壳 — 厚度2mm,防火模铸塑料,高度光洁灰色表面。VDE认证,CE认证。气流入口栅格与安装基座底部相匹配。气流出口栅格固定在鼓风机外壳和安装基座之间。
Mounting Base and Fan Housing — 2.0mm (5/64") thick, fire-retardant molded plastic with high-gloss grey finish. VDE approved, CE marked. Air-inlet grille fits into bottom of mounting base. Air-outlet grille is secured between fan housing and mounting base.
电机 — 220-240伏交流电,7安培,1500-1700瓦,50/60菏泽无刷外转子电机。在驱动轴两端配置密封球轴承;无需维护。配置一个自动热过载开关。
Motor — 220 - 240 AC, 7 Amp, 1500-1700 Watts, 50/60 Hz. Brushless, external rotor motor. Sealed ball bearings at both ends of drive shaft; maintenance free. Equipped with an automatic thermal-overload switch.
鼓风机 — 动态平衡,133mm直径,离心式鼓风机,配置多个金属叶片。以每分钟90立方英尺的流量从热元件直接吹出气流,与外部空气一起提供始终如一的温度的气流。
Fan — Dynamically balanced, 133mm (5-15/64") diameter, centrifugal fan with multiple metallic vanes. Directs air flow from heating element at 90 cfm, mixes air to provide uniform temperature.
热元件 — 盘绕的镍-铬热元件,采用自动热过载开关加以保护。热元件位于鼓风机的进口端上,并输出热气流,不会出现热点现象。故意破坏者也不容易接触到热元件。
Heating Element — Coiled nickel-chrome heating element is protected by an automatic thermal-overload switch. Heating element, which is located on inlet side of fan, heats air without hot spots — inaccessible to vandals.
电子控制 — 当手放置在气流出口下方并穿过感应装置的感应区域时,红外感应装置就会自动启动干手器。将手从感应区域移开,则干手器将自动停止工作。如果在感应区域内不存在移动物体,例如胶带或口香糖等等,则电子感应装置将在2分钟左右时间内自动关闭干手器。如果不移动物体被移开后,电子感应装置将自动重置,并且恢复正常启动关闭干手器。
Electronic Control — Infrared sensor automatically turns dryer on when hands are held under air-outlet opening and across path of sensor. Remove hands from path of sensor and dryer stops. Electronic sensor has automatic shutoff approximately two minutes after dryer turns on if inanimate object, such as tape or chewing gum, is placed across sensor lens. After inanimate object is removed, electronic sensor automatically resets itself and dryer operates normally.
Paper towel dispenser is adjustable to dispense C-fold, multifold, or singlefold paper towels without use of additional adapters or towel trays. To service waste receptacle, unlock door with key provided and remove waste container. Cable door-swing limiter prevents damage to washroom accessories and walls.
Dryer has no-touch operation. Electronic sensor automatically turns dryer on when hands are held under air-outlet opening and across path of sensor. Remove hands from path of sensor and dryer stops. Dryer will not stop by itself before user is satisfied hands are dry. Dryer operates only when actually drying hands, which saves energy and operating costs. Electronic sensor will automatically shut dryer off two minutes after dryer turns on if inanimate object is placed across sensor lens. After inanimate object is removed, electronic sensor automatically resets itself and dryer operates normally.
一年有限质量保证 — 本质量保证仅限于根据美国保必丽公司的选择进行维修或更换有缺陷的干手器配件。请参阅安装说明书,编号710-69,了解全部详细内容。
1-Year Limited Warranty — This warranty is limited to the repair or exchange of defective dryer parts at the option of Bobrick. See Installation Instruction Sheet, Form No. 710-69, for full details.
要事先准备好一个350mm宽 x 1380mm高大小的框架式墙开口。最浅嵌墙深度从墙面算起要求是145mm。要保留足够的结构间隙以避免所开的墙孔将墙穿透。要与机械工程师协调避免与管道、排气装置和导管产生冲突。如果本产品安装在装饰材料(如瓷砖等)墙壁上,要提供槽型铝材或其他过滤装置,以消除法兰与墙面之间的缝隙。在把本产品安装到墙开口内时,需要在图纸中标注"S"的位置用薄垫片垫在框架和本产品之间,然后再用厂家提供的螺丝将本产品固定住。
Provide framed rough wall opening 350mm wide x 1380mm high (13-3/4'' x 54-3/8''). Minimum recessed depth required from finish face of wall is 145mm (5-3/4''). Allow clearance for construction features that may protrude into rough wall opening from opposite wall. Coordinate with mechanical engineer to avoid pipes, vents, and conduits. If unit projects above top of wainscot, provide aluminum channel or other filler to eliminate gap between flange and finish face of wall. Mount unit in wall opening with shims between framing and cabinet at all points indicated by an S, then secure unit with screws furnished by manufacturer.
Dryer Wiring Instructions:
Connect the 230-volt wires as follows. The neutral wire should be connected to the terminal marked N. The live wire should be connected to the terminal marked L.
Notes: Electronic sensor in dryer will pick up movement within 100mm (4") of air-outlet nozzle. Use caution when choosing location for dryer in confined areas. Consider proximity to doorways and other traffic areas.
For installation instructions that include step-by-step installation procedures and details of electrical service connections, see Form No. 710-69, which is packed with each shipment. This form is also available in advance upon request.
Recessed paper towel dispenser and waste receptacle shall be type-304 stainless steel with all-welded construction; exposed surfaces shall have satin finish. Door shall be 1.2mm (18-gauge); have 14mm (9/16'') 90° return edges; be secured to cabinet with a concealed, full-length stainless steel piano-hinge; and equipped with a stainless steel cable door-swing limiter and two tumbler locks keyed like other Bobrick washroom accessories. Paper towel dispenser shall be capable of dispensing 450 C-fold, 600 multifold, or 850 singlefold paper towels. Waste receptacle shall be furnished with a removable, leak-proof, rigid molded plastic waste-container with a capacity of 12.5 liters. (3.3-gal.). Air deflector shall prevent dryer from blowing into waste container.
Hand dryer shall have a one-piece, fire-retardant molded, Bobrick grey color #889. Mounting base and fan housing shall be fire-retardant molded plastic with high-gloss grey finish. Brushless motor shall be 1500-1700 watts, external rotor type with sealed ball bearings on ends of drive shaft and equipped with an automatic thermal-overload switch. Centrifugal fan shall have multiple metallic vanes. Heating element shall be located on inlet side of fan, shall heat without hot spots, be inaccessible to vandals, and protected by an automatic thermal-overload switch. Electronic sensor shall automatically turn dryer on when hands are held under air-outlet opening and across path of sensor. Dryer will turn off automatically when hands are removed. Sensor shall automatically shut dryer off approximately two minutes after dryer turns on if inanimate object is placed across sensor lens. After inanimate object is removed, electronic sensor shall automatically reset itself and dryer shall operate normally. Unit shall be VDE approved, CE marked and protected by a limited 1-year warranty on all parts.
Recessed Paper Towel Dispenser, Automatic Hand Dryer, And Waste Receptacle shall be Model B-38033 of Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., Clifton Park, New York; Jackson, Tennessee; Los Angeles, California; Bobrick Washroom Company, Scarborough, Ontario; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Pty. Ltd., Australia; and Bobrick Washroom Equipment Limited, United Kingdom.