组合柜 — 18-8 S、重型340不锈钢。全焊接结构。
Cabinet — 18-8 S, type-304, heavy-gauge stainless steel. All-welded construction.
裙边 — 18-8 S、22-gauge(厚度0.8mm)340不锈钢,缎面(拉丝)表面。
Skirt — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin-finish..
门 — 18-8 S、18-gauge(厚度1.2mm)340不锈钢,缎面(拉丝)表面。14mm直角回转,更加坚固耐用。采用隐蔽式全长度不锈钢钢琴式合页铰链固定在组合柜上。配置不锈钢旋转门限制器,以及两个与其他美国保必丽卫生间附件类似的带钥匙杠杆锁。
Door — 18-8 S, type-304, 18-gauge (1.2mm) stainless steel satin-finish. 9/16" (14mm) 90° return for maximum rigidity. Secured to cabinet with a concealed, full-length, stainless steel piano-hinge. Equipped with a stainless steel cable door-swing limiter and two tumbler locks keyed like other Bobrick washroom accessories.
纸巾输出装置 — 18-8 S、22-gauge(厚度0.8mm)340不锈钢。圆形纸巾盒在开口处有镶边,输出纸巾时不会造成纸巾被撕破。容量:600张C形折叠纸巾,或800张多层折叠纸巾。
Paper Towel Dispenser — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel. Rounded towel tray has hemmed opening to dispense paper towel without tearing. Capacity: 600 C-fold or 800 multifold paper towels.
垃圾容器 — 防漏坚固耐用的模铸塑料。可拆卸用于维护。容量:14.4公升。
Waste Container — Leak-proof rigid molded plastic. Removable for servicing. Capacity: 3.8-gal. (14.4-L).
Paper towel dispenser is adjustable to dispense C-fold or multifold paper towels. To service waste receptacle, unlock door with key provided and remove waste container. Cable door-swing limiter prevents damage to washroom accessories and walls.
在图纸中标注"S"的位置,采用6个8号(4.2 x 32mm)金属片螺丝(厂家不提供,需另行采购)将本产品安装在墙上。对于灰泥墙和干垒墙结构,则需要提供符合当地建筑规定的隐蔽式支架,然后采用金属片螺丝固定本产品。对于其他种类的墙面,则提供纤维塞或膨胀螺栓套,与金属片螺丝一起使用;或者提供3mm系墙螺栓或膨胀螺栓。如果本产品安装在装饰材料(如瓷砖等)墙壁上,要提供槽型铝材或其他过滤装置,以消除本产品与墙面之间的缝隙。
Mount unit on wall with six #8 x 1-1/4'' (4.2 x 32mm ) sheet-metal screws (not furnished) at points indicated by an S. For plaster or dry wall construction, provide concealed backing to comply with local building codes, then secure unit with sheet-metal screws. For other wall surfaces, provide fiber plugs or expansion shields for use with sheet-metal screws, or provide 1/8" (3mm) toggle bolts or expansion bolts. If unit projects above top of wainscot, provide aluminum channel or other filler to eliminate gap between cabinet and finish face of wall.
Surface-mounted paper towel dispenser and waste receptacle shall be type-304 stainless steel with all-welded construction; exposed surfaces shall be satin finish. Door shall be 18 gauge (1.2mm); have 9/16'' (14mm) 90° return edges; be secured to cabinet with a concealed, full-length stainless steel piano-hinge; and equipped with a stainless steel cable door-swing limiter and two tumbler locks keyed like other Bobrick washroom accessories. Paper towel dispenser shall be capable of dispensing 600 C-fold or 800 multifold paper towels. Waste receptacle shall be furnished with a removable, leak-proof, rigid molded plastic waste-container with a capacity of 3.8-gal. (14.4-L). Manufacturer's service and parts manual shall be provided to the building owner/manager upon request.
Surface-Mounted Paper Towel Dispenser And Waste Receptacle shall be Model B-380349 of Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., Clifton Park, New York; Jackson, Tennessee; Los Angeles, California; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Company, Scarborough, Ontario; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Pty. Ltd., Australia; and Bobrick Washroom Equipment Limited, United Kingdom.