福建省厦门市建设大厦2509单元 邮编:361001 电话:592-2121956 传真:592-2122287 E-mail: 666@h6688.com QQ:1712648018
Room 2509, Construction Building, Xiamen, Fujian 361001, China Tel: (86-592) 212-1956 Fax: (86-592)212-2287 E-mail: 666@h6688.com
美国进口 Imported from USA |
缩写与前缀 |
![]() 美国杰伊-史密斯实业公司 Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. |
A glossary of product related abbreviations used on this website can be found below.
A | Aluminum |
AA | Aluminum Body and Collar |
A.B.S. | Acrylonitrile-Butadienne Styrene |
Adj. | Adjustable |
A.R. | Acid Resistant |
A.R.C. | Acid Resistant Coated |
A.R.E. | Acid Resisting Enamel |
BWV Assy. | Backwater Valve Assy. |
C.I. | Cast Iron |
cm | Centimeter |
C.O. | Cleanout |
Conn. | Connection |
Coup. | Coupling |
Deg or ƒ | Degree |
Dia. | Diameter |
Dim. | Dimension |
D.W.V. | Drain, Waste & Vent |
Enam. | Enamel |
F.B.S. | Flat Bottom Strainer |
F.H.M.S. | Flat Head Machine Screw |
Fig. (s) | Figure (s) |
Fin. | Finished |
Gals. | Gallons |
Gov't. | Government |
G.P.M. | Gallons Per Minute |
I.C. | Inside Caulk |
I.D. | Inside Diameter |
In. | Inch |
Lav. | Lavatory |
Lb. (s) | Pound (s) |
LH | Left Hand |
Max. | Maximum |
MBG | Ductile Iron Bucket & Grate |
Mfrs. | Manufacturer's |
Min. | Minimum |
mm | Millimeter |
NB | Polished Nickel Bronze |
No. | Number |
N.P.S. | National Pipe Straight |
N.P.S.H. | National Pipe Straight Hose |
N.P.T. | National Pipe Taper |
O.D. | Outside Diameter |
PB | Polished Bronze |
P.D.I. | Plumbing Drainage Institute |
PSI | Pounds Per Square Inch |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride |
Rad. | Radius |
RB | Rough Bronze |
Reg. | Regular |
RH | Right Hand |
Spec. | Specification |
Sq. | Square |
Std. | Standard |
SW | Service Weight |
Thd. | Thread |
V.P. | Vandal Proof |
W/ | With |
Wt. | Weight |
XH. | Extra Heavy |