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Wholesaler of Plumbing Industry in USA

State's Export Firms Focus on European, Latin Markets

  Faced with declining markets in Asia, a growing number of California companies are gearing up to shift exports to Latin America, Europe and other more promising regions. But no one thinks that will take up the slack, and analysts say the shift for many California exporters will be slow and risky because of higher shipping costs, lack of certain foreign banks in the region and other geographical and historical factors.

  Moreover, export companies based in California and the rest of the United States are certain to confront tougher competition globally, as Asia bolsters its exports in a desperate bid to strengthen its battered economies.

  The most attractive export markets for California appear to be in Latin American countries, whose economies, with the exception of Brazil, are expected to grow more rapidly this year than any other region in the world. Although Mexico is the state's No. 3 export country, California companies last year shipped only about 2% of the state's total goods in dollar value to the top five South American markets, compared with almost 40% to the top five Asian export nations.

  But that could change, as the cold trade winds from Asia have prompted some companies in California to consider diversifying. Hirsch Pipe & Supply Co. in Van Nuys, which has long relied on Aisa's booming demand for plumbing and heating products, is now considering opening a warehouse in Miami, for quicker shipment of its goods to Brazil and Argentina.

  Greg Mariscal, Hirsch's export manager, says he is also pursuing opportunities in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and possibly Africa. Asia currently makes up 75% of Hirsch's international sales, which account for a quarter of the company's overall annual revenue of $30 million. But with sales to Asia likely to fall off 30% to 40% this year, Mariscal says he will have to chase new markets.
  "The more markets we're in, the better," he said.

  Whether companies like Hirsch succeed has significant repercussions for the state's economy, which relies more on exports than other states. California's merchandise exports last year have been estimated at $110 billion, much of it electronics, computers and industrial equipment. Adding foreign sales of motion pictures, software and engineering services, which are not tracked precisely, economists say California's exports account for as much as 16% of the state's economic output, compared with less than 11% for the nation as a whole.

  While U.S. exports to Asia are almost certain to decline further in the next year or two, the magnitude of the drop is unclear. California currently sends about 54% of its total exports in dollar value to Asia, whereas about 30% of all U.S. exports go to Asia.

Greg Mariscal, managing director for international
sales at Hirsch Pipe & Supply, a Van Nuys firm
that is exporting to other parts of the world as
Asian market shrinks.

Trading Places

  As a result of the financial crisis in Asia, California's exports to the region are expected to decrease as exporters shift their attention to markets in Latin America and Europe. But the state's exports to several Asian countries had already started to slide in the second quarter of 1997. The state's top 20 export markets from April to June last year:

Exports in
in billions
Percent change
(2nd quarter '96
to 2nd quarter '97)
1 日本 Japan $8.99 -8.90%
2 加拿大 Canada $5.73 3.27%
3 墨西哥 Mexico $5.24 25.29%
4 韩国 South Korea $3.76 -18.11%
5 台湾 Taiwan $3.06 15.49%
6 新加坡 Singapore $2.79 -10.43%
7 英国 Britain $2.57 4.33%
8 香港 Hong Kong $2.05 19.91%
9 德国 Germany $1.20 0.57%
10 荷兰 Netherlands $1.55 30.16%
11 马拉西亚 Malasia $1.35 -27.00%
12 法国 France $1.21 -0.29%
13 泰国 Thailand $1.19 -0.51%
14 澳大利亚 Australia $1.18 16.82%
15 菲律宾 Philippines $1.02 -1.35%
16 中国 China $0.99 11.05%
17 瑞士 Switzerland $0.63 -0.89%
18 比利时 Belgium $0.59 19.84%
19 意大利 Italy $0.56 -4.57%
20 巴西 Brazil $0.56 -0.30%

资料来源:美国加州贸易商业厅商业部。《洛杉矶时报》JENNIFER OLDHAM收集
Source: California Trade and Commerce Agency; Commerce Department Researched by JENNIFER OLDHAM/Los Angeles Times.

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