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  90o回转阀门的结构特点 (2)
Quarter-Turn Valve Design Detail (2)


  b) 蝶阀-弹性阀座
  b) Butterfly Valves - Resilient Seated

   Positive Features - Recommendations
   1) 无气泡关闭功能的弹性材料阀座
   1) Bubble-tight shut-off from resilient seats
   2) 快速90o回转开启/关闭,比多回转阀门更容易进行自动控制
   2) Quick 90° open/close, easier to automate than multi-turn valves
   3) 与其它种类的阀门相比,性价比最高
   3) Very cost-effective compared to alternate valve choices
   4) 具有很强的节流性能
   4) Broad range of throttling capabilities
   5) 几乎完全流通,压降比截止阀小
   5) Nearly full flow, less pressure drop than globe valves
   6) 阀内件材料的选择范围广泛,能够适应不同的流体环境
   6) Broad selection of trim materials to match different fluid conditions
   7) 比多回转阀门更加紧凑
   7) More compact than multi-turn valves
   8) 循环使用寿命更长
   8) Offers high cycle life

   1) 不适用于蒸汽环境
   1) Not for use with steam
   2) 公称通径大于DN150时需要配置齿轮执行机构进行操作,以防止由于操作速度过快造成破坏性管道冲击。
   2) Gear operators needed larger than 6” to aid in operation and protect against operating too quickly and causing destructive line shock.

   Body Styles
   1) 平板式(对夹式):固定在两个管道法兰之间。安装容易,但是不能作为隔断阀使用。
   1) Wafer-style held in place between two pipe flanges. Easy to install but cannot be used as isolation valve.
   2) 凸耳式:平板式阀体,但是具有螺纹凸耳,用于通过螺栓与125/150磅级法兰连接。采用有头螺栓,能够非常方便地在阀门两端进行安装。有些制造商设计的凸耳阀门具有在必要情况下,单独承担全部流体压力,并可在其中一侧拆卸管道的性能。
   2) Lug-style is a wafer body but has tapped lugs matching up to bolt circle of Class 125/150 flanges. Easily installed with cap screws from either side. Lug-style designs from some manufacturers permit dropping the pipe from one side and the valve will hold full pressure when needed. (Dead end service)
   3) 管状蝶阀:采用铸铁管接头直接与管道连接。管状阀门安装最容易。
   3) Grooved butterfly valves direct connect to pipe using iron pipe size couplings. Grooved valves are easiest to install.
   4) 法兰蝶阀:结构长度符合美国国家标准化组织ANSI B16.10、125磅级和150磅级标准的球阀、闸阀和旋塞阀。
   4) Flanged butterfly valves face to face dimension conforms to ANSI Standard B16.10 and Materials Class 125 and 150 ball, gate and plug valves.

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