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TB-15 - 使用美国保必丽TrimLine™干手器与使用纸巾的成本比较 - 咨询公告
TB-15 - The Cost of Paper Towels vs. TrimLine™ ADA Dryer - Advisory Bulletin

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Bobrick's TrimLine Hand Dryers

1) 美国保必丽TrimLine干手器工作时功率为1700瓦,每次干手耗时约为20秒。
TrimLine Hand Dryer draws 1700 watts (1.7 kW) of electricity while operating and has about 20-second per drying cycle.

2) 每次干手耗时20秒 x 180次干手 = 1小时工作时间。
20 seconds per drying cycle x 180 drying cycles = 1 hour of operation.

3) 1小时 x 1700瓦 = 1700瓦小时。
1 hour x 1.7 kW = 1.7 kWh.

4) 1700瓦小时 x 0.07美分/千瓦小时 = 0.12美分。
1.7 kWh x .07 cents/kWh* =.12 cents.

5) 0.12美分 ÷ 180 (干手次数) = 0.0007美分/每次干手。
0.12 cents ÷ 180 (drying cycles) = .0007¢ per drying cycle.

* 资料来源:美国洛杉矶市2000年2月公布的工商效率等级A1(每月耗能少于30千瓦)。
Source: Los Angeles County Industrial/Commercial Rate A1 (less than 30 kW usage per month) as of February 2000.

Standard Multifold Paper Towels

1) 每次干手平均使用纸巾2.5张。
Average number of paper towels used per hand dry is 2.5 towels.

2) 一盒多层纸巾盒约有2,400张纸巾,平均价值为25美元。
A typical case of 2,400 Multifold paper towels cost an average of $25.00.

3) 一盒2,400张纸巾 ÷ 每次干手消耗2.5张纸巾 = 每盒干手960次。
2,400 paper towels per case ÷ 2.5 paper towels per hand dry = 960 hand dries per case.

4) 25美元 ÷ 960干手次数 = 0.026美分(每次干手所需成本)。
$25.00 per case ÷ 960 hand dries per case = .026¢ (per hand dry.)

  Further costs of using paper towels include labor to fill dispenser and empty waste receptacles, storage for paper supply, costs of hauling away paper waste, and the hazards of fire and plumbing stoppage.

Graph shows relative cost per hand dry between Bobrick's TrimLine Dryer and paper towels . . .

To calculate your annual savings realized by using Bobrick hand dryers instead of paper towels

Use the previous year's towel purchase records, and electricity bill to calculate the following:

1. _____ 每年纸巾的消耗总盒数 x _____ (张数)每盒 = _____ (全部纸巾张数) ÷ 每次干手消耗2.5张纸巾 = 每年需要干手的次数。
_____ total number cases of towels per year x _____ (count) per case = _____ (total towels) ÷ 2.5 towels per dry = annual number of hand dryers.

2. 美元 _____ 每千瓦小时 x 1.7千瓦小时 = 美元 _____ 每小时干手180次 = 美元 ÷ 每次干手成本。
$ _____ per kWh x 1.7 kWh = $ _____ per hour ÷ 180 dries per hour = $ _____ dryer cost per hand dry.

3. _____ 每年需要干手次数(#1) x 美元_____ 每次干手成本(#2) = 美元_____ 每年干手运行成本。在进行比较时,包括纸巾储存成本以及将纸巾装入纸巾器、清空纸巾垃圾箱、倾倒垃圾以及购买纸巾所需要耗费的人工成本。如果没有精确的记录,假定每个卫生间每天需要10分钟对纸巾进行维护,并使用下列公式进行估计预测。
_____ annual number of hand dries (#1) x $ _____ dryer cost per hand dry (#2) = $ _____ annual dryer operating cost. When making the comparison, include the cost of paper towel storage as well as the labor required to fi ll dispensers, empty waste receptacles, dispose of waste, and purchase towels. If precise records are not available, assume that each washroom requires 10 minutes daily to maintain towel supply and use the following formula to make estimate.

4. _____ 卫生间数量 x 10分钟 x 每年运行天数* ÷ 60分钟(每小时) x 美元 _____ 人力维护每小时人工成本 = 直接人工成本。
_____ (count) washrooms x 10 minutes x operating days per year * ÷ 60 minutes per hour x $ _____ labor costs per hour for maintenance personnel = direct labor cost.

* 写字楼或工厂每年通常运行250工作日;学校、电影院或剧院、酒楼餐馆运行时间不等。
Offi ce buildings or factories normally operate 250 workdays per year; the operating days of schools, theaters, or restaurants may vary.
Add towel cost, direct labor to maintain towels, estimated cost of towel and waste handling, then deduct the annual operating cost of dryers. The difference is your savings every year.

20小时2,400张多层纸巾盒 @23美元(每盒)
Twenty-four 2,400-count cases of multifold towels @ $25.00 per case
  维护的人工:4个卫生间 x 10分钟。每间房间 x 250天 ÷ 60分钟 x 8美元/每小时
Labor to service: 4 rooms x 10 min. per room x 250 days ÷ 60 minutes x $8.00 per hour.
Ordering, storing, disposing (est.)
Annual Towel Cost
  24 x 2400 ÷ 2.5张(每次干手消耗纸巾张数) = 23,040 (干手次数/年)
0.07美元 (每千瓦小时) x 1.7 (千瓦小时) = 0.119美元 ÷ 180 = 0.0007美元 (每次干手成本)
24 x 2400 ÷ 2.5 towels per hand dry = 23,040 hand dries / year
$ .07 kWh x 1.7 kW = $ .119 ÷ 180 = $ .0007 per hand dry
  23,040 x $ .0007
23,040 x $ .0007
Annual Dryer Cost
Annual Savings