Line art shown without door in place

C形折叠纸巾 C-fold paper towels
纸巾盒 — 18-8 S,22-gauge(厚度0.8mm)304不锈钢,表面为缎面表面。全焊接结构。圆形纸巾盆镶边开口输出纸巾时不会造成纸巾撕裂。容量:可容纳600张C形折叠纸巾或800张多层折叠纸巾,配置一个与其他美国保必丽卫生间附件类似的半嵌墙式杠杆锁。
Cabinet — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin-finish on exposed surfaces. All welded construction. Rounded towel tray has hemmed opening to dispense paper towels without tearing. Capacity: 600 C-fold or 800 multifold paper towels with a semi-concealed tumbler lock keyed like other Bobrick washroom accessories.
纸巾架门 — 18-8 S,22-gauge(厚度0.8mm)304不锈钢,表面为缎面表面。双层后壁结构。采用全长度不锈钢钢琴式铰链安装在纸巾盒上。
Door — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin-finish. Double-pan-back construction. Secured to cabinet with a full-length stainless steel piano-hinge.
Paper towel dispenser accommodates C-fold or multifold paper towels without adjustment or use of adapters. To adapt to changing needs of washrooms, this unit is field convertible with the Universal Touch-Free Roll Towel Module or Automatic, Universal Touch-Free Roll Towel Module. To order convertible modules, reference part numbers below under Options.
- 可现场更换的通用无接触滚筒纸巾架模块:请订购美国保必丽部件编号3961-50部件。
Universal Touch-Free Roll Towel Dispenser Module convertible in field: order Bobrick Part No. 3961-50. - 可现场更换的自动通用滚筒纸巾架模块:请订购美国保必丽部件编号3974-50部件。
Automatic, Universal Roll Towel Dispenser Module convertible in field: order Bobrick Part No. 3974-50.
Remove existing dispenser module, then install new folded towel dispenser module per Form No. 3944-69. For removal of Universal Roll Towel Dispenser Module refer to Form No. 3961-69. For removal of Automatic,Universal Roll Towel Dispenser Module refer to Form No. 3974-69.
Convertible folded towel dispenser module shall be type-304 stainless steel with all-welded construction; exposed surfaces shall have satin finish. Door shall be secured to cabinet with a full-length stainless steel piano-hinge and equipped with a semiconcealed tumbler lock keyed like other Bobrick washroom accessories. Paper towel dispenser shall dispense 600 C-fold or 800 multifold paper towels.
Convertible Folded Towel Dispenser Module shall be Model 3944-52 of Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., Clifton Park, New York; Jackson, Tennessee; Los Angeles, California; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Company, Scarborough, Ontario; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Pty. Ltd., Australia; and Bobrick Washroom Equipment Limited, United Kingdom.