厦门市湖里区枋湖东二里2号802室 邮编:361009 电话:592-2121956 传真:592-2122287 E-mail: 666@h6688.com QQ:1712648018
Room 802, No 2, FangHu Dong ErLi, Huli District, Xiamen, China Tel: (86-592) 212-1956 Fax: (86-592)212-2287 E-mail: 666@h6688.com
美国管道产品批发商 Wholesaler of Plumbing Industry in USA |
购销合同范本 |
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编号 No.: 130221XMZHY
日期 Date:2013年2月21日
February 21, 2013
买方 The Buyer (Consignee):
Atten: 联系人英文名称, Cell Phone: (86)联系人手机号码
Tel: (86-XXX) 联系人电话号码,Fax: (86-XXX) 联系人传真号码
卖方 The Seller:
Hirsch Pipe & Supply Co.
15025 Oxnard Street, Van Nuys, Ca 91411, USA
Tel: (1-818)756-0900 Fax: (1-818)756-0920
Attn: Mr. Willy or Mr. Greg
This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller, whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:
1. 货物
行 Ln |
订购 数量 Order Quant |
EDP编码/产品说明 EDP Code / Description |
出厂净价 单价•美元 Net Price US$ |
出厂总价 (美元) FCA Factory Amount (US$) |
1 | 120 | BOBRICK B-306 TRIMLINE RECESSED SOAP DISPENSER | US$100.00 | US$12,000.00 |
3 | 100 | BOBRICK B-386 PART MTD DUAL TOILET TISSUE DISP | US$300.00 | US$30,000.00 |
美国出厂总价 FAC Factory (US$): | US$66,000.00 |
2. 制造厂商:美国保必丽公司。
Manufacturers: Bobrick (USA).
3. 包装:须用坚固的纸箱包装。
Packing: To be packed in new strong carton(s).
4. 运输标志:
Shipping Marks:
5. 装运期:卖方在收到30%预付款后4周内装运。
Time of Shipment: Within 4 week as soon as the 30% deposit to be received by the Seller.
6. 装运港及目的港:由美国至中国上海,允许转运。
Port of Loading & Destination: From U.S.A. main ports to Shanghai, China, Transhipments allowed.
7. 保险:由卖方按发票金额110%投保一切险。
Insurance: To be effected by the Seller for 110% of invoice value against All Risk.
8. 付款条件:合同签署后1周内付30%的货款US$19,800.00,剩余部分(70%货款)USD46,200.00在美国装船前7天根据卖方通知支付。
Terms of Payment: 30% deposit - USD19,800.00 to be paid within 1 weeks by T/T upon the contract to be signed, balance (70% of total amount) - USD46,200.00 to be paid 7 dyas before the products to be shipped in USA according to the seller's advice.
Hirsch's Bank Information:
Bank Of America
Merrill Lynch Trade Operation
One Fleet Way
Mail Code PA6-580-02-30
Scranton, PA 18507
Tel: 800-370-7519 Fax: 570-330-4029
Telex or Cable No. MCI67652
Swift No. BOFAUS6S
ABA No. 026009593
Bank Account #14999-29445
Hirsch Pipe & Supply Co.
15025 Oxnard Street
Van Nuys, CA 91411
Attn: Joe King
9. 单据:
A. 全套提单一式三份;
Full set original clean on board B/L in 3 copies;
B. 商业发票一式三份;
Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies;
C. 装箱单一式三份;
Packing list/weight memo in 3 copies;
D. 由卖方出具的品质、数量、重量证书一式二份;
Certificate of quality, quantity and weight in 2 copies issued by The Seller;
E. 无木质包装证书一份。
Declaration of No Woodiness Packing in 2 copies.
10. 质量保证:
Guarantee of Quality: The Seller guarantee that the commodity thereof complies in all respects with the quality and specifications stipulated in this contract. The guarantee period shall be 365 days counting from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination. Certificates of quality, quantity, weight, specifications and packing, etc. Issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau (CCIB) located in the territory of the P. R. China shall be taken as final.
11. 索赔:
Claims: Within 90 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination port, should the quality, quantity, weight, specifications or packing be found not in conformity with the stipulations of this contract, or should any damages occurred by reason of quality within the guarantee period. The Buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller. The Seller agrees to accept the certificate issued by CCIB located in the territory of the P. R. China as a claim document.
12. 不可抗力:
Force Majeure: In case of late delivery or non-delivery due to Force Majeure, the time of shipment might be duly extended, or alternatively a part or whole of this contract might be cancelled, but the Seller shall advise the Buyer of the occurrence mentioned above and send to the Buyer for its acceptance a certificate issued by the surveying institute where the accident occurs as evidence thereof within 14 days. In case the accident lasts for more than 4 weeks, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract.
13. 迟交货及罚款:
Late Delivery and Penalty: In case of late delivery, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract, reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller. Except for Force Majeure, if late delivery occurs, the Seller must pay a penalty, and the Buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every 7 days, odd days less than 7 days should be counted as 7 days. The total penalty amount will not exceed 5% of the shipment value. The penalty shall be deducted by the paying bank or the Buyer from the payment.
14. 争议解决:
Settlement of Disputes: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to China Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its existing rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
15. 特别条款:
Special Provisions: The Seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise by Cable or Fax the Buyer of the Names of Vessel, Date of Sailing, B/L No., and Contract No., Commodity, Quantity, Invoice Value, Gross Weight, etc. Otherwise, all losses thus incurred shall be borne by the Seller.
16. 本合同用中/英文签署以中文为准经双方签字后生效。正本一式二份,双方各执壹份。
This contract is made in four original copies in Chinese/English and becomes valid after signature, two copies to be each party in witness thereof. For purposes of interpretation of this contract, the Chinese version should govern.
Seller: Hirsch Pipe & Supply Co. (USA)