Did You Know: History Of Plumbing

Posted on 03/03/2021 at 07:46PM in Winter 2021: Industry Newsletter

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Modern plumbing is nothing short of a miracle: With a simple turn of a knob or press of a lever, germs from your hands and body are sent down the drain, or your body’s wastes are flushed away, leaving you and your bathroom clean and healthy. Modern plumbing advances have long been credited with boosting human hygiene and eliminating contamination and disease.

Prehistoric Plumbing
公元前4000年至3000年 - 第一个水管
4000-3000 B.C. - First water pipes


Many historians credit the town of Mohenjo-Daro, in modern-day Pakistan and India, as being the birthplace of sewers around 3500 B.C. The Indus River Valley Civilization, also called the Harappan Civilization, was known for many other innovations, as well, such as a system of standard weights and measures, and the production of metals such as copper, bronze, and tin. In this area, individual homes drew water from wells through masonry conduits. Wastewater was sent from the houses to covered drains that lined the main streets. Historians believe that cleanliness important to this civilization, because even the smallest houses were connected to the public drainage system.

公元前2500年 - 第一个铜管
2500 B.C. - First copper pipes


The Egyptians developed early piping systems, having devised techniques to create copper alloys. Their smiths created and used copper tools and pipes for their irrigation systems to control water flowing from the Nile River, which flooded their crops when it ran too high, and left their fields parched when it ran too low.


In 1994, archaeologists excavating the remains of a pyramid’s funerary complex discovered a copper plumbing and drainage system. The pyramid itself was estimated to be about 4,500 years old, dating back to around 2600-2500 B.C. Egyptians believed that the dead enjoyed the same luxuries as the living, which explains the plumbing.

公元前2000年至1000年 - 第一个排水与排污系统
2000-1,000 B.C. - First drainage and sewage systems


Around 1700-1500 B.C., ancient engineers took advantage of the steep grade of the land on the Greek island of Crete to create a drainage system with lavatories, sinks, and manholes. The system consisted of terra cotta pipes with perfect joint sockets, and the pipes were tapered to prevent sediment from building up. It was the most advanced drainage system of its time. Inside a queen’s bathroom from the time, archaeologists discovered a 5-foot-long bathtub that apparently was filled and drained by hand. The water was emptied into a cavity in the floor and, eventually, into the Kairatos River. Also, the bathroom contained what is believed to have been the world’s earliest “flushing” water closet, screened off by partitions and flushed by rainwater or water from cisterns.

公元前710年 - 世界上最早的淋浴器(类似)
710 B.C. - The world’s first shower (kind of)


During the time of the Roman Empire, roughly between 500 BC and AD 476, basic plumbing structures evolved into extensive systems that carried water and are regarded as models for the sinks, showers, tubs, toilets, and drains we use today. The Romans built aqueducts to transport water from the countryside into Rome. At one point, these aqueducts carried about 1.2 billion liters of freshwater 57 miles every day. After the water passed through the aqueducts, it was collected in tanks and distributed through tunnels of pipes to baths, fountains, and toilets. Wealthy Romans had hot and cold water, as well as a sewage system. Public bathrooms and water supplies would come later, as further advancements were made.


A fatal misstep took place around 200 B.C. Roman engineers used lead piping to replace the system already in place. This dramatically improved the way that water was carried into the city. Unbeknownst to the Romans, however, lead piping contained toxins that got into the water, causing numerous deaths from lead poisoning. Lead levels rose to 10 times the amount that’s safe to consume. Children and pregnant women suffered the most, with a rise of infant deaths and miscarriages. Scholars still speculate on how much the resulting decline in the size and general health of Rome’s population might have contributed to the downfall of the empire.

Precursors to Modern Plumbing
1596年 - 第一个冲水马桶(又名‘约翰’)
1596 - First flushing toilet (aka ‘The John’)


Fast-forward to 1596, about 500 years ago, when Sir John Harington, godson of Queen Elizabeth I, created the first flushing toilet. Harington, who had been banished from the royal court for telling risque stories, built a home and created the first flushing toilet. After forgiving him, Elizabeth visited her godson and was so impressed by his invention that she ordered him to build one for her at Richmond Palace ... and bathroomgoers ever since have invoked the inventor’s name in “the John”.

十七世纪中期 - 美国第一个城市规模的水系统
Mid-1600s - America’s first citywide water system


In 1652, the first city water system was built in Boston. Early settlers came together and formed a corporation to build the “Conduit”, a waterworks system for fighting fires as well as for domestic use. Most of the system’s vent piping was made of hollowed-out tree logs.

1664年 - 第一个主水管道
1664 - First water main


King Louis XIV of France ordered construction of a cast-iron water main that extended 15 miles from a pumping station at Marly-on-Seine to the palace at Versailles. The main supplied water to the nearby town, and the piping served the palace gardens and fountains for more than 330 years.

1767年 - 第一个机械淋浴器
1767 - First mechanical shower

英国火炉和加热器制造商威廉•费萨姆发明了一个专利产品 - 世界上第一个机械淋浴器,被称为“英国摄政淋浴器”。它由一个大盆组成,淋浴者站着淋浴,水箱位于头顶上方,通过手泵将水从盆内向上抽水。一旦水汇集到头上水箱后,淋浴者就会拉一下一条链子,然后水就会倾泻而下,最后水再收集到盆里。收集后的水将在淋浴过程中一遍又一遍地重复使用。一开始,这种奇异的装置没有人要用,因为循环使用的水又脏又冷。在那个时候,热水澡已经很普遍了,看起来比这种脏水“淋浴”要舒服得多。后来,又经过几年的重大改进,包括热水器的发展,淋浴器才逐渐成为家庭标准配置。

English stove and heater manufacturer William Feetham created and patented the world’s first mechanical shower, known as the “English Regency shower.” It consisted of a large basin, where the bather would stand, and an overhead water tank that pumped water upward from the basin via a hand pump. Once the water was collected overhead, the bather would pull a chain, and the water would be dumped onto them, eventually collecting back in the basin. The water then would be reused over and over for the duration of the shower. In the beginning, no one wanted anything to do with this contraption; the recycled water was dirty and cold. By this time, hot baths were common and seemed a lot better than “showering” in soiled water. It would take several years and major improvements - including the development of the water heater - before the shower became a standard household feature.

1775年 - 现代座便器原型
1775 - Prototype for the modern toilet


Nearly 200 years after Sir John Harington invented the first flushing toilet, Scottish inventor Alexander Cumming received the first patent for a very similar - but improved - device, with a few crucial additions. Cumming improved on Harington’s toilet, which hadn’t been able refill on its own or eliminate the horrible smell. Cumming’s prototype featured a device that linked the water inlet valve to the flush mechanism, allowing the pan to be emptied and refilled. Below the bowl, Cumming installed an S-shaped pipe (or “S-trap”) that used water to create a seal, preventing sewer gas from entering the toilet.

1975年 - 第一个消防灭火水系统
1795 - First water system for firefighters


When New York City’s population outgrew its plumbing system, it devised a new network of hollow logs to transport water for firefighting. The setup allowed firemen to access water by drilling through the walls of the “pipes,” then plug the hole after they were finished - giving birth to the term “fireplug.”

19th-Century Advances
1804至1810年 - 美国第一个铸铁管道系统
1804-1810 - First cast-iron pipe system in America


Philadelphia became the first U.S. city to switch from wooden log pipes to a cast-iron system. The more durable plumbing system allowed users to regulate water pressure far better than with wooden piping.

1815年 - 首次出现水可用性概念,首次采用的水安全措施
1815 - First water availability and safety measures

费城也是美国第一个将安全的、可随时使用的供水作为城市基础设施建设治理需要解决的问题的城市。费尔蒙水厂系统利用横跨舒尔基尔河的水坝和水轮取代了低效的蒸汽机系统。 这些水直接通过管道输送到付费用户的企业和家庭,并通过消防栓向任何有水桶的人提供免费水。

Philly was also the first U.S. city to approach a safe and readily available water supply as a municipal governance issue. The Fairmount Water Works system replaced its inefficient steam engine system with a dam and water wheels across the Schuylkill River. The water was piped directly to the businesses and homes of paying customers, and free water was provided via fire hydrants to anyone with a bucket.

1829年 - 第一家采用给排水系统的酒店
1829 - First hotel with plumbing


The Tremont Hotel of Boston became the first hotel of its kind to offer indoor plumbing for guests. The Tremont, designed by architect Isaiah Rogers, is considered the first modern hotel in the United States. In addition to featuring indoor toilets and running water, it offered free soap for guests to use at their convenience.

1833年 - 白宫内的第一个给排水系统
1833 - First plumbing in the White House


It’s odd, but true: A fancy hotel installed plumbing before the White House did. Until Andrew Jackson’s presidency, water was pumped to the White House from a well at the neighboring Treasury Building. Plumbing wasn’t introduced at the presidential home until 1833 - and then, it was only available on the main floor. The second floor wouldn’t see plumbing until 20 years later, during the presidency of Franklin Pierce.

1835至1842年 - 第一座市政级的水库
1835-1842 - First municipal reservoir


In 1835, New York began building its first aqueduct and reservoir system for midtown Manhattan, using water from the Croton River. When put into service in 1842, the system delivered city residents about 72 million gallons of fresh water a day.

1848年 - 英国国家公共安全法
1848 - National Public Health Act


England passed the National Public Health Act - which included notes on water health and safety and established a Central Board of Health - in response to several severe outbreaks of cholera. The act had its flaws, but served as a blueprint for later public safety acts. Recognized as one of the greatest milestones in public health history, it has been adopted and adapted by countries all over the world.

1855年 - 美国第一个综合下水道系统
1855 - First comprehensive sewer system in America

在19世纪中期,芝加哥完成了伊利诺伊州和密歇根运河的建设,使芝加哥河倒流,这两个巨大的给排水系统工程有助于芝加哥发展成为美国全国贸易中心。然而,在同一时期,蓬勃发展的芝加哥市也因多次霍乱、伤寒和痢疾的爆发而失去了数千人的生命。 为了改善让市民生病的沼泽环境,芝加哥市工程师在道路上方铺设了污水管道,并覆盖上泥土,将街道垫高了8英尺(2.43米)以上,使芝加哥市从泥泞中升上来。到1855年,芝加哥已经建成了美国第一个全市范围的下水道系统。

In the mid-1800s, Chicago completed construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal and reversed the flow of the Chicago River, two massive plumbing feats that helped transform the city into a national trade hub. During this same period, though, the burgeoning city also lost thousands of lives to multiple cholera, typhoid, and dysentery outbreaks. To eliminate the swampy conditions that kept making its citizens sick, city engineers laid sewer lines above the thoroughfares and covered them with dirt, elevating the streets by as much as 8 feet and literally raising the city out of the muck. By 1855, Chicago had built America’s first citywide sewer system.

1857年 - 第一个商用卫生纸
1857 - First commercially available toilet paper


American inventor Joseph Gayetty began selling “medicated paper” made of hemp and aloe. He was so proud of his invention that each sheet carried a watermark of his name. The toilet paper was sold in packages of flat sheets and advertised as “the greatest necessity of the age!” The recent phenomenon of people hoarding toilet paper in anticipation of coronavirus quarantine shows how precious a staple it has become around the world.

19世纪70年代 - 第一个陶瓷冲水马桶 - 第一个热水器
1870s - First ceramic flushing toilet - and water heaters


British pottery manufacturer Thomas William Twyford invented the single-piece ceramic toilet. His breakthrough came a few years after he took over the Twyford company from his recently deceased father, Thomas Twyford, himself a pioneer in sanitary hygiene. Around the same time, water heaters began to appear in smaller buildings, revolutionizing the American home with immediate improvements in cooking, cleaning, handwashing, and bathing.

1891年 - 托马斯•克拉珀的真相和传说
1891 - The truth and myth of Thomas Crapper

托马斯•克拉珀是一位成功的给排水和卫生洁具工程师。但是,与流行的传说相反,他没有发明冲水马桶 - 冲水马桶早在他出生之前就出现了。克拉珀之所以会被误认为是冲水马桶的发明人,是由于他在座便器方面的工作,他对浴室发展确实有很重要的历史贡献:事实上,他在1870年开设了世界上第一个浴室展览厅。

Thomas Crapper was a successful plumber and sanitation engineer. But, contrary to popular myth, he did not create the flushing toilet - which long predates his arrival on the scene. Crapper has been falsely credited with the invention thanks to his work on toilets, but his contributions to bathroom history were still significant: In fact, he opened the world’s first bathroom showroom in 1870.

Contemporary Developments
20世纪30年代 - 第一部给排水标准法案
1930s - First standardized plumbing codes


Before he became the nation’s 31st president, Herbert Hoover was one of the fathers of modern standardized plumbing codes for builders and plumbers, along with Dr. Roy B. Hunter. Hoover was an engieer and Secretary of Commerce in 1921, and Dr. Roy B. Hunter was head of the plumbing division of the National Bureau of Standards in the 1920s through the 1940s. The nation’s first plumbing code, named the “Hoover Code” in Hoover’s honor, was published in 1928. Dr. Hunter’s work is still referenced in U.S. plumbing codes used today.

20世纪50年代 - 第一个非金属管道
1950s - First non-metallic pipes


Plastic piping was introduced in 1952 in the United States, in response to the shortage of metals after World War II. Three years later, the first polyvinyl chloride (PCV) water pipes were laid in the U.S. Most pipes for plumbing throughout the country today are made of PVC material, due to its relative stability and low cost.

1978年 - 第一部水资源保护法
1978 - First water conservation laws


California adopted a law stipulating that toilets may use no more than 3.5 gpf (gallons per flush). Previously, most toilets consumed at least 6 gpf. The densely populated, drought-prone state consumed about 2.9 trillion gallons of water per year for urban uses, according to a 2013 report, and toilet flushing accounted for between 28% and 40% of that total.

1992年 - 美国能源政策法案
1992 - U.S. Energy Policy Act


The United States Energy Policy Act reduced water-flow rates into plumbing fixtures. This act mandated the introduction of low-flush toilets and outlawed toilets that flush more than 1.6 gallons of water.

2003年 - 第一个国际标准
2003 - First international standards


The International Code Council was formed to ensure a strictly enforced code and standard in all plumbing projects around the globe. The nonprofit council develops model codes and standards used worldwide to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures.

2015年 - 美国加州更加严格的节水措施
2015 - Stricter conservation in California


California adopted one of the strictest water-saving standards in the country: No residential toilet in the state can flush more than 1.28 gallons of water at a time. Under this law, no urinal can use more than 0.125 gallons in a single flush flush, and kitchen faucets must use no more than 1.8 gallons of water a minute.


从人类文明起源开始,给排水系统发生了巨大的变化。曾经洗澡和上厕所都是奢侈的享受,都需要花费很多时间和精力。现在,你只需要走几步到你的浴室,在不到30分钟内既可以上厕所,又可以洗澡。现在,卫生和卫生服务是我们认为理所当然的日常必需品。 但是,下一次当你倒满一杯饮用水,或冲刷座便器时,回顾一下我们的浴室固定装置和下水道系统曾经经历多么长远的路:从地面上的一个简单的孔洞,直到现在我们发明的精心设计的全市给排水系统和先进的设备装置,我们的生活更健康、更轻松、更舒适、更愉快。

Plumbing has evolved dramatically since the dawn of civilization. At one time, showering and using a toilet were luxuries that took lots of time and effort. Now you can walk just a few feet to your bathroom to do both in less than 30 minutes. Hygiene and sanitation services are necessities we often take for granted. But the next time you fill a cup with drinking water or fluch the toilet, think of how far our bathroom fixtures and sewers have come: From a simple hole in the ground, we’ve developed elaborate citywide systems and sophisticated devices that make our lives healthier, easier, more comfortable, and much more pleasant.