Price Increase & Product Shortage Resource Guide

Posted on 06/14/2021 at 06:02PM in Summer 2021: Industry Newsletter

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As we continue to see an unprecedented number of manufacturer price increases, product shortages and delays in shipments, we want to take a moment to share some valuable information that will help you understand why this is happening and how you can plan ahead to minimize the impact this could have on your business and your day to day work.

我们的采购团队正在努力采购尽可能多的货源,以补充我们目前短缺的产品系列。我们的采购团队也在积极努力寻找新的替代产品及货源,尽可能确保我们能够提供您需要的产品货源,帮您完成您的工程项目。如果需要了解更多的信息,或者了解能够提供哪些产品货源, 请与您当地的美国好施集团分支机构联系。 我们在此为您提供帮助!

Our purchasing team is working hard to purchase as much inventory as we can from our existing product lines. The team is also actively working to purchase from substitute lines to ensure we have what you need to help you get your jobs done. For more information or to chat about product availability, please  reach out to your local branch.  We're here to help!


The below resource guide that helps explain many of the reasons for the manufacturer price increases, product shortages and delays in shipments. We encourage you to review this valuable information and feel free to pass this information along to your customers.

Why Are There Product Shortages & Price Increases?
  • 由于新冠肺炎疫情及其他相关事件的不确定性,美国制造商销售团队预计销售额将下降,这是他们不愿意看到的。
    Due to the uncertainty of Covid and other related issues, manufacturers under forecasted sales thinking sales would drop and they did not.
  • 由于美国市场动荡不止、难于预测,导致出现了大量的恐慌性购物活动。也由于需求增加,使得美国制造商开始囤积产品。
    Due to uncertainty in the market, there was a lot of panic buying. Due to the increase in demand, this caused manufacturers to get backlogged with production.
  • 美国制造商都会优先生产他们的主导产品和次主导产品,因此在一些情况下,其他非主导产品就没有投入生产,这导致某些产品的生产交货进一步延迟。
    Manufacturers prioritized production of A & B items, while in some cases, C and D products were not placed in production causing further delays on certain products.
  • 由于无法完成订单生产,有些美国制造商在没有预先通知的情况下取消了积压的订单,这进一步加剧了交货延迟状况。
    Due to fulfillment issues, some manufacturers cancelled backorders without notification causing further delays.
  • 由于燃料和原材料成本的上涨,对美国产品的制造生产成本造成直接的冲击。
    Due to the increased cost of fuel and raw materials, this is having a direct impact on the cost of products.
What Is Happening With Shipments Coming From Overseas?
  • 由于许多货船滞留在美国洛杉矶港口等待卸货,导致货船上的产品货源延迟交货。
    Products coming in on boats are experiencing many delays due to ships waiting in the LA Hardors to be unloaded.
  • 即使集装箱从货船卸货到码头上,由于缺少卡车司机运送产品,因此码头上积压的产品货物依旧难于装载到货运卡车上运走。
    Once the containers are unloaded at the docks, there are issues with getting the products loaded onto trucks due to a shortage of truck drivers available to then deliver the products.
  • 今年二月份,中国春节长假导致工厂停产16天,导致产品生产和开往美国的货船进一步延迟。
    Chinese New Year in February caused 16-day plant closures which slowed down production and shipments coming to the USA.
  • 美国企业的海外分支机构都在被集装箱货柜短缺而困扰。
    Overseas companies are experiencing freight container shortages.
  • 苏伊士运河被堵塞了一个星期,这也导致了海运货物交货的延迟。
    Suez Canal was blocked for 1 week which caused shipments to be delayed.
Weather & Employment Related Issues
  • 由于美国德克萨斯州的风暴灾害,美国制造商优先将产品运往受到2021年风暴灾害袭击的灾区。
    Due to the storm in Texas, manufacturers prioritized products to ship to areas hit by the 2021 storms.
  • 由于新冠肺炎疫情期间,许多美国企业裁员或倒闭;再加上美国现在的失业救济金有时甚至超过美国职员工作的工资,导致许多美国人宁愿失业也不想重返工作岗位。
    Due to layoffs/shutdowns during Covid, many employees when given the opportunity to return to work are choosing to stay on unemployment due to unemployment benefits sometimes paying more than an employee would make working.

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想了解美国制造商价格上涨情况,请访问 点击这里 

To keep up to date on all manufactuer increases, visit  www.hirsch.com/priceupdates .