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Made in the USA
美国人节能智能型Energy Smart®自清洗家用电热水器
Energy Smart® Self-Cleaning, Residential Electric
Installation Instructions and Use & Care Guide (13)

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Heating Element Replacement


Electric Shock Hazard
Disconnect power before servicing.
Replace all parts and panels before operating.
Failure to do so can result in death or electric shock.

  Replacement heating elements must be of the same style and voltage/wattage rating as the ones presently in the water heater. This information can be found on the flange or terminal block of the element or on the water heater data plate.

  1. 关闭热水器电源。
    Shut off the electric power to the water heater.
  2. 按照“排水与冲洗”中的有关说明排掉热水器内的水。
    Drain the water heater as directed under "Draining and Flushing".
  3. 拆卸观察门,绝缘保温层和加热元件盖。
    Remove the access door(s), insulation and element cover(s).
  4. 断开加热元件上的电线(如图9)。使用1.5英寸的套筒扳手按反时针方向旋转拆卸加热元件上的螺丝。拆卸原有的垫圈。
    Disconnect the electric wires from the heating element (Figure 9). Remove the screw-in elements by turning the element counterclockwise with an 1-1/2 inch socket wrench. Remove the existing gasket.
  1. 清洗垫圈与内胆接触的地方。如果是拆卸下部加热元件,需要清除累积在内胆底部的沉淀物。请参阅“排水与冲洗”
    Clean the area where the gasket fits to the tank. If you are replacing the bottom element, remove the accumulated sediment on the bottom of the tank. Refer to “Draining and Flushing.”
  2. 确保所要替换的新加热元件具有正确的额定电压和功率。在新的加热元件上套上新的垫圈,插入热水器内胆(如图10)。按顺时针方向旋转紧固加热元件,直至安全牢靠为止。
    Make sure the replacement element has the correct voltage and wattage rating. Position the new gasket on the element and insert it into the water heater tank (Figure 10). Tighten the element by turning it clockwise until secure.
  1. 关闭排水阀。打开最近的热水水龙头,让内胆完全注满水。为了清除管道内任何剩余的空气和沉淀物,请在稳定出水后,让热水水龙头持续出水3分钟。
    Close the drain valve. Open the nearest hot water faucet and allow the tank to fill completely with water. To purge the lines of any excess air and sediment, keep the hot water faucet open for 3 minutes after a constant flow of water is obtained.
  2. 检查加热元件周围是否有泄漏。
    Check for leaks around the element(s).
  3. 连接加热元件上的电线。确保所有连接的电线牢固可靠。
    Connect the electric wires to the heater element. Make sure all wires are secure.
  4. 重新安装绝缘保温层和观察门。
    Replace the insulation and access door(s).

  Important: Operation of this water heater without access doors or insulation could result in much higher temperatures than the desired set point, increasing the risk of scald injury. Do not operate water heater with the access doors or insulation removed.

  1. 确保内胆已经注满水。
    Make certain the tank is filled with water.
  2. 重新恢复热水器的电源供应。
    Restore the electric power supply to the water heater.
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