型号:B-38030 230V TrimLineSeries™
Model Number: B-38030 230V TrimLineSeries™
完全齐平的TrimLine设计,节省空间的内腔深度,以及拉丝表面不锈钢柜门,特别适用于从A级写字楼到高级餐馆酒店等高端场合。组合柜门可90度回转,并配置隐蔽式法兰。可输出600张多层折叠纸巾,450张C形折叠纸巾。内置TwoelMate®。可拆卸防漏垃圾容器的容量为13.7公升。干手器电源:220-240伏交流电,7安培, 1500-1700瓦,50/60赫兹,单相电。嵌墙开口尺寸大致为362mm宽 x 1412mm高 x 100mm深。本产品也可提供115V交流电版本装置,其型号为B-38030 115V。
Flush TrimLine design, space-saving cabinet depth, and satin finish stainless steel doors compliment any washroom from Class-A offices to fine restaurants. Door has 90° return, conceals flange. Dispenses 600 multi-fold or 450 C-fold paper towels. Built-in TowelMate®. Removable leak-proof, 3.6 gal (13.7L) waste container. Hand dryer: 220-240V AC, 7 Amp., 1500-1700 Watts, 50/60 Hz, Single Phase, Rough wall opening 362 x 1412 x 100mm (14-1/4" x 55-9/16" x 4"). Unit also available in 115 volt version under part number 38030 115V.