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Made in the USA
Tiny Titan Residential Electric Water Heater
Installation Instructions and Use & Care Guide (5)

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Water System Piping

Piping Installation

  Piping, fittings, and valves should be installed according to the installation drawing (Figure 1). If the indoor installation area is subject to freezing temperatures, the water piping must be protected by insulation.

  供水压力不能超过热水器工作压力的80%. 热水器的工作压力标注在热水器的参数板上。如果超压热水器额定工作压力的80%,则可能需要在冷水供应管道上安装带旁路的限压阀。为了保持相同的热水和冷水压力,这个装置应该安装在整个室内住宅的供水管道上。
  Water supply pressure should not exceed 80% of the working pressure of the water heater. The working pressure is stated on the water heater's data plate. If the working pressure does exceed 80%, a pressure limiting valve with a bypass may need to be installed in the cold water inlet line. This should be placed on the supply to the entire house in order to maintain equal hot and cold water pressures.

  Important: Heat cannot be applied to be water fittings on the heater as they may contain nonmetallic parts. If solder connections are used, solder the pipe to the adapter before attaching the adapter to the hot and cold water fittings.

  Important: Always use a good grade of joint compound and be certain that all fittings are drawn up tight.

  1. 安装水管线和连接件。将冷水供水管道(1/2 NPT英寸)连接到标注蓝色圆环接头上。将热水管道(3/4 NPT英寸)连接到标注红色的圆环接头上。
    Install the water piping and fittings. Connect the cold water supply (1/2 NPT) to the fitting marked with the blue ring. Connect the hot water supply (1/2 NPT) to the fitting marked with the red ring.
  2. 建议在热水和冷水管线上安装管接头,以方便热水器的维修或更换。
    The installation of unions in both the hot and cold water supply lines is recommended for ease of removing the water heater for service or replacement.
  3. 建议在家庭热水管线上如图2所示安装调节阀。这种阀门通过将冷水与热水的混合降低使用点的热水温度,并随时提供所需热水。如果需要更详细的资料或帮助,请咨询有执照的管道工或当地管道主管部门。
    A tempering valve can be installed in the domestic hot water line as shown in Figure 2. These valves reduce the point of use temperature of the water by mixing cold and hot water and are readily available for use. For more information or help with installation contact a licensed plumber or the local plumbing authority.
Fiure 1: Water Piping Installation

  美国马萨诸塞州:按照19 MGL142节的规定安装真空减压阀。
  Massachusetts: Install vacuum relief in cold water line per section 19 MGL142.


Fiure 2: Tempering Valve Installation

  1. 如果是在一个封闭的水系统中安装热水器,按照“封闭系统/热膨胀”中的规定,安装一个安全阀或膨胀罐。
    If installing the water heater in a closed water system, install a relief valve or expansion tank in the cold water line as specified under "Closed System/Thermal Expansion".
  2. 在冷水进水管处安装一个关闭阀。这个关闭阀应该位于靠近热水器的地方,并且容易靠近操作。了解这种阀门的位置和如何关闭流向热水器的水源。
    Install a shutoff valve in the cold water inlet line. It should be located close to the water heater and be easily accessible. Know the location of this valve and how to shut off the water to the heater.
  3. 在标注“T&P RELIEF VALVE”的地方安装降温减压安全阀。按照第6页降温减压安全阀”的有关规定进行安装。
    Install a temperature and pressure relief valve and discharge line in the opening marked "T & P RELIEF VALVE". Install as specified under "Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve", on page 6.
  4. 管线正确连接到热水器后,打开最近的热水水龙头,让水完全注满热水器内胆。为了清除管道内任何多余的空气和沉淀物,在出现稳定的水流后,热水水龙头要保持打开至少3分钟。随后关闭水龙头,检查所有连接是否有泄漏。
    After piping has been properly connected to the water heater, open the nearest hot water faucet and allow the tank to completely fill with water. To purge the lines of any excess air and sediment, keep the hot water faucet open for 3 minutes after a constant flow of water is obtained. Close the faucet and check all connections for leaks.
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