Thermostat Replacement
IMPORTANT: Removal and replacement of the thermostat
involves the disconnection of electrical connections. The following
procedures must only be performed by a qualified service technician.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in electrical shock
causing death or injury.
Follow the instructions
below to replace the thermostat:
- 拔掉热水器的头,关断水供应,拆卸前盖。
Unplug the heater, shut off the water supply and
remove the front cover.
- 断开电气连接端子(参阅图7,#2和5)。在两(2)个十字帽螺丝上断开电气连接端子(参阅图7,#3和4)。
Disconnect the electrical terminals (See Figure
7, # 2 & 5). Disconnect the electrical terminals from the two (2)
phillips head screws (See Figure 7, # 3 & 4).
- 拆卸两个安装螺丝(参阅图7,#8和9),然后拆卸温控器。
Remove the two mounting screws (See Figure 7,
# 8 & 9), then remove the thermostat.
- 用新的温控器进行更换,用两个安装螺丝加以紧固。确保新的温控器牢固地安装在容器表面。重新连接电气端子。
Replace with the new thermostat and secure with
the two mounting screws. Be sure the new thermostat is securely in place
against the tank surface. Reconnect the electrical terminals.
- 打开热水器的水供应,将容器注满水。
Turn on the water supply and fill the tank completely
with water.
- 重新安装前盖板。等到容器注满水后,将热水器插头插上。将开关拨到"ON"的位置打开电源,将温度刻度设置在所需要的温度。
Replace the front cover. Once the tank is full
of water, plug in the water heater. Turn the switch to "ON"
and set the temperature dial to the desired setting.
Figure 7 Drawing Key
Use the following key to identify parts of Figure
7 below:
1 = 固定螺栓
2 = 用于温控器的电气连接端子
3 & 4 = 电气连接端子螺丝
5 = 用于温控器的电气连接端子
6 & 7 = 用于加热元件的电气连接端子
8 & 9 = 安装螺丝
1 = Retaining Bolt
2 = Electrical Terminal for the Thermostat
3 & 4 = Electrical Terminal Screws
5 = Electrical Terminal for the Thermostat
6 & 7 = Electrical Terminals for the Heating Element
8 & 9 = Mounting Screws.