Follow these instructions
to set the temperature dial
To decrease temperature
Turn thermostat control dial counterclockwise
(to your left).
To increase temperature
Turn thermostat control dial clockwise (to your
Fiure 5: Temperature Regulating Thermostat |
Operation Conditions
NOTE: After the power switch to your water heater
is turned "on", an indicator light in the "on/off"
switch will glow to signal that the element is heating. The thermostat
will automatically shut off the heating element when the selected operating
temperature is reached, thus the light will turn off as well.
Water Heater Sounds
During the normal operation of the water heater,
sounds or noises may be heard. These noises are common and may result
from the following:
- 在加热或冷却期间,金属配件的正常膨胀和收缩。
Normal expansion and contraction of metal parts
during periods of heat-up and cool-down.
- 内胆底部累积的沉淀物会产生变化不定的噪音,并可能造成内胆过早老化。按照“排水和冲洗”地说明排泄并冲刷内胆。
Sediment buildup in the tank bottom will create
varying amounts of noise and may cause premature tank failure. Drain
and flush the tank as directed under “Draining
and Flushing”.
Anode Rod/Water Odor
Each water heater contains at least one anode
rod, which will slowly deplete while protecting the glass-lined tank from
corrosion and prolonging the life of the water heater. Certain water conditions
will cause a reaction between this rod and the water. Once the anode is
depleted, the tank will start to corrode, eventually developing a leak.
The most common complaint associated with the
anode rod is one of a “rotten egg smell” produced from the presence of
hydrogen sulfide gas dissolved in the water. The water supply system may
require special filtration equipment from a water conditioning company
to successfully eliminate all water odor problems.Do not remove
this rod permanently as it will void any warranties, stated or implied.
Artificially softened water is exceedingly corrosive
because the process substitutes sodium ions for magnesium and calcium
ions. The use of a water softener may decrease the life of the water heater
The anode rod should be removed from the water
heater tank every 3 years for inspection. If the rod is more than 50%
depleted, the anode rod should be replaced.